Friday, July 28, 2017

Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen!

Prophecy Link -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb -They're All Coming, see here, or read here, -Prophecy Links -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen! and -Sadly, but the direct death toll mention here of 28 million is more indicative of the out break of mortuary I witnessed these 31 springs concerning first of all a Yellowstone type eruption. Especially if this eruption act as a domino effect toward all fault lines teetering on the edge right now. As so twenty million on US soil or more is that forewarn of another prophet, I'm not saying there are not others. Bill Gates place a death by an outbreak just as a pale horse judgment 2001-2017, is pending at 30 million but if I'm not mistaking he's talking the world over. -Let's just say, the more Americans to westerns show themselves as right this moment waiting America's Trump instead of God's. Just this slow motion exodus the Holy Spirit portrayed of them, indefinitely this procrastination will decide just how sizable the toll on lives this master disaster to extinction level event will cause. Given many dreams, visions, visitations to heaven and heaven visiting me, I then have many reasons to suspect not only Incalculable evacuations. Though as the days of Moses an unforeseen exodus of all US to the Western territories, of a silence in heaven, a sunlight moving from behind a mountain God's throne which spoke, "let my people go." -Just as so explaining why it was when Holy Spirit as testified of the prophet Ezekiel's 8th chapter, how he was carried about by a lock of his hair this fly over the country. Doing an alike adventure of my own, Holy Spirits bringing me into a fly over America such began by showing me how cataclysmic events where affecting the entire country which began at the Whitehouse that was in tremendous flames. As so was there obvious damage to the Kennedy Space center, so hesitating to tell you, as is being warn this video, what am I saying? - I am saying, by the time I am brought into seeing this consuming inferno moving in from the West, all three corners, there is no Eastwest, Midwest, nor Southwest to speak of. Awfully, until like the Prophet Ezekiel though I've known the answer since visitations from heaven into to the death rider vision 1996, my question should've been, "will you, Holy Lord, destroy the entirety of America at this time? Only to make things worse, though I witnessed the west this fiery mess into the White house being consumed in tremendous flames. I just as soon heard it announce by a radio broadcast that the entire Eastern seaboard was as well gone, so millions of other lives lay in the aching question, whether to exodus? Surely, this is why I tell all evacuees to get as far southeast as possible and once there, prepare for a complete Exodus.​ Awake, repent, escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see here, -


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