-Article... Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.” Article (strike mankind's one single blood lineage, they bleed to death, judgment and hell), Apb
Elohim Crying Behind A Silence In Heaven, My Heart Is Like Wax, Again, (Psalm 22), You Must Be Born Again, Decide! www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com
-No cyber man, this is not good, not now that you have a government that has legalized same sex marriage and thus the transgender lifestyle, this is hypocritical at best. It's unconstitutional, it's another form of attempting to put the genie back into the bottle and it's splashed to splattering and blowing in the wind and the fan is in Jesus' blood stained hands. Does your president even know how much money his government spend annually on medical cost because of sexual promiscuity alone, that new sexually transmitted diseases are created regularly and HIV Aids isn't somewhere just hibernating?
-He may as well ban all non-married military and punish harshly all legitimate acts of claims of adultery, I know ban the whole of America's immoral sex lives. He can't undo the American dream 190 years of immortality and blood guiltiness sorely rooted and grounded within the hearts of men by a stroke of his presidential tweets I don't care what manner of a magic man to superman you all celebrate he is.
-All fornication to unrighteousness is sin, all same-sex relations/marriages to pre marital sex is a sin, a transgression against the body, God's Temple and your president just made the well elevated transgender movement America's abominable whoredom's, scapegoat. President Trump isn't just building a wall south, but he's attempting the days of Hitler's Germany, of protecting Holy America from and attempting to net out the the axis of evil from them. Perhaps a long conference with Bush's war on them (this axis of evil) and Jesus' having overthrown them (the authentic axis of evil possessing all men), cast out for an eternity would better serve him, even the world.
-You see said corruption into abomination is the one human kind, Genesis marriage, since the fall, single heart's blood and Jesus alone is the cleaner, is the fixer upper, Jesus alone. I pray to God, by Jesus's name, blood, that this decision won't move more of the military toward a suicidal choice, suicide is not a choice, it is not an escape, outer darkness into the lake of fire await and there is not a problem nor a person on this planet worth forfeiting God's Kingdom come. Awake, repent, escape in this order, Apb, The RAM, see www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.com, www.theissueoftherest2016.blogspot.com
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