Article... ANALYST: NKOREAN ICBMS LACK EFFECTIVE RE-ENTRY TO DELIVER PAYLOADS, Article... (So does that mean Americans shouldn't be alarmed when they launch them at them? Seem be seeing an Asian invasion on US soil, 1998, one of three Master disasters, beware), Apb
Prophecy Links
And I Heard In My Hearing, 2005, "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it," (let no man deceive you). Jesus, Apb
-The Death Rider From Beneath The Earth, The Pale Horse of Christmas Night, Opening The Fourth Seal Death And Hell Released
-There's this concerning thing about having a prophetic Ministry like the days of Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel with Moses exodus stirred in. The three prophets before escape who stood a witness to all the disasters they'd forewarn for years and years. One, Jeremiah, even sat an elevated place and by his written testament, (Lamentations) gave us a broad side view. That's of what happen to a nation, to the world's most blessed cities, if you listen closely, you can hear by the tears spreading down his cheeks, chin, his neck, into his breast, this heart break; "why doeth the city sit do solitary that was once full of people?"
-John the Revelator testament, the witness of something similar, the cataclysmic fall of Western Civilization, disguised as mystery. Everyday it is that something Korea, Russia and China, this warring world is threatening. All while God's, by John's testament cries, "and the merchants shall be heard no more at all in thee..Surely the sight 2003, of US shoppers awarded an 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour related to Bush wars. This of further seeing a US General hand his war horse off to the prophet Jeremiah, citing no contest.
-Now if you're not evacuating, to stampeding to exodus, you've chosen a side which lost earth's battles.As to have such victory cemented in righteousness the moment Jesus Chanted, it is finished. There's no wonder Holy Spirit cried out, "self need to be pound into the dust," millions more would lose their so souls except they die to be born again. Clearly, when there's all of a sudden breaking News of a Yellowstone nation to earth ending eruption where do you want to be?
- By the freedom of your decision making you will be one of three places. Here horrifyingly suffering this, dead and in hell or instantaneously on your way there; in heaven, or just as so instantaneously on your way there. I know you choose heaven, just know Jesus Himself said the masses awaiting.heaven are not worthy, the heart being more Anti-christ. The Righteousness of God and The American dream does not coexist for many Millennium Religion, Politics and various formats of sexual promiscuity has attempted to genocide the Genesis man/Marriage, only to reap as of right now God pouring out His Wine Press.
-Howbeit, the reason the Pope is showing himself more antichrist, you see soon, every knee shall bow, every mouth shall confess, no flesh shall stand, the death to soul toll have been shown to be through the shy, and there is nothing your specialty leaders can do but like all men, die, repent, die ascend, beware, be very aware! So as to end this inquiry by asking this mightily important question, what would God have to do to convince you to move further Southeast into exodus? My Jesus' husband that prophecally moved us Southeast exactly two years to the month and date 06/26/2015.
-Astonishingly oblivious 06/26/2017 I left for Georgia, only besides my ascended husband, the ill fated loved one who got us here heath declined to life support the same day we found a house. I know, if she ascend, though temporally her funeral will drive other loved ones here. Then I realized, God only chastises those He love, so if you got nothing, as my daughter Ericka would say, dangggg,, that is even more concernng. Beware, Apb, The RAM
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