-Anxiously, not only was Angel Gabriel warning how all these things were unto fulfillment, he was also referencing how 80 percent of biblical prophesy would come into fruition on such a short matter of time, even explaining the last two days of receiving as words, “Revelation,” and just a day later, chanted right into my ear, “Revelation 12, Sign,” see more here, Remember Jesus said this, whereas that generation we begin to see all these things fulfilled is the generation that won't past away until all is as the Angel Gabriel warn, fulfilled. -Until you hear this, get it and receive it, you will be one of those ever mystified not only right into the grave, but a judgment and a lake of fire await those who're thousands of years of fore and forth-telling without an excuse. So mightily beware when Elohim God explains to the prophet Ezekiel inquiring then why send me, that's if the people can't see, hear nor receive me? Equally Jesus explicating why he speak in parables as don't be alarmed, these people being blind, deaf and dumb can't hear me irregardless of how or what I speak. Certainly, gladly, God's answer is that still, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear they'll know a Prophet of God is among them. -Those of the Christ Himself, of Holy Apostles of Christ, even sending the Holy Spirit into them, leaving those determined not to leave none ignorant is among them. Beware, this isn't simply because of God's generosity that's boundless for ages and ages, beware, God will use such recorded, merited favor to measure every man by what they heard and did or not adhere to, thus revelation cries, blessed are the hearers and doers of this work, because the end is at hand. Again, Apostle say, beware. As to prove this point so divinely, when Holy Spirit limitless with men reconciliation, were all the more shown as to come after Apostle, the Trump both the Brides escape and America's exodus, upon their arrival, a type of Cameron inquiring “are you ready,” I was sitting at my desk as now hoping to say something to persuade even the hardest of men, a Roman, Western Civilization., read this entire blog, here, if there are portions blocked, I told you blogger.com has resigned to doing that. -Unknowingly distracted religious to political issues, said end of days for America into this present world, beginning in our era with the two weeks and seven year timetable Obama's and passing to a come Brexit that is P. M. Cameron, again whose name was mention the last of demonstrating blessed escapes. I need to ask a question here, if Americans had known they had all but five and a Trump pending presidential administrations left would they have spent these last sixteen into a pending 17th years all tangled into an epidemic of battling and supervising into the trillions inedible turf wars? Although you can yet hear a cry, just as Bush wars march on Hussein and I quote Holy Spirit lamenting, "one error/era into a new fear factor,” and the next thing we knew Hussein that was reportedly an axis of evil was now Bush and America's President. -Unthinkably with mouth gaping awe, doing it's last two presidential and a pending Trump administrations. Oddly enough for the entire world, a once overthrown Hussein remarkably is it's reigning superpower, I know, how strange for all of us, so never underestimate the politics of bible prophecy. Ridiculously, now that Trump has declared America safe indefinitely, as though he himself is god, do you really yet stab a gander at what God's targeted fury toward a Trump/Pence ticket was all about, what else? These thieves and robbers, Christ Cross described of them from the beginning, building all the better, even in His Name, these mountainous death to soul tolls, yours. -It is not only that Western Civilization is over, and done but no longer this delay, hence the witness of seeing Jesus Millennium descending per Hussein's depleted Us Presidency, is said time out for the West immediately passing right now into the final week of Daniel. Come to think of it, its cleverness, is to explain why the same dream I had doing Obama's campaign of the Antichrist in great prowess, began once again. This was just before Trump took office, sadly meaning for most nothing has changed, this man's, this Trump election, bible prophecy charges on, hallelujah again I say. -Understand, this week alone I've received two words bearing the description Revelation. Though recently I been telling you if when the Holy Spirit get ye to repentant altars by forewarning you God is avenging martyred blood, we're at the point of revelation reveals where a world of rebellious as right this very second are running and escaping to all manner of divine hiding places of covers because the end by cataclysms unimaginable as predicted is come, and they're right now crying, and I quote these recordings from two thousands years ago, “for the great day of God's wrath is come,” now with Holy Lords chanting, “get ye to repentant altars, to exodus and believe Apostle I've seen the reapers commanded to target those who don't acknowledge America this exodus,,.. DECIDE! That's repent, escape or perish! -As well is the question, while being in celebrations in heaven, all brought into a screeching halt, no doubt Johns and my once detected silence there, whereas a holy one approached and without further this delay I'm standing before what can only be described as a mountain in heaven from which a brightness like the sunlight of god merges and cries, let my people? Of course God's creation, HIS People, let them loose from the great whore of religion presently Trump's administration allied by a demon beast, (a projected revised EU of the antichrist cabinet), all sitting on many waters, that aren't waters but all people this planet once Nimrod's scattered abroad Babel now this light that is dark of a satanic to demonic trap, Mystery Babel, (Babylon America). -Evidently with purpose this wake up call, as to present America a predatory lender of borrowed, even wind to dust treasures. Brilliantly, yet disastrously crept into humankind's everyday living as these pleasured ends that won't meet yet they're so thankful for the struggle of achieving the American Dream. Just as so, crept in also as this thief that is not, but has He, this genius Bridegroom, meticulously removed the Bride from them, meaning what seem like Elohim's abandonment, there's even the mystery of Ezekiel's witness of a Cherubim, God's exiting the temple glory, having a man's hand under his wings. It would appear, Elohim's long suffering was of the times, times and a half granted by the man in linen, Daniel's testament. -Why weepiest thou, God's Revelation laments, as there's a made to feel so helpless Apostle John that is crying, even a Mary Magdalene all pending Christ's Cross. Unmistakably, without Jesus as Lord, every man is doomed to damnation this expert mystery, now human kind's costliest of distraction. Biblically evident, since the serpent, Eden's garden lead these innocents away other than God's direct instruction this age of disobedience, (rebellion). Directly into this six thousand years later dwindling down dispensation of grace, of a Church Age, Of Jesus having the Brides hand under His healing wings, crying aloud it's last of the last fore warnings, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging the martyred blood of the Saints crying beneath His Throne and if the righteous scarcely be saved, who shall be able to stand? That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know for better this come judgment, the Righteous Bride of Jesus Christ is among you, as to pluck Ambers from the burning, Apb, The RAM.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
When The Angel Gabriel, Once Appearing To Prophet Daniel and Mother Mary, Speak, Listen, Again I Say, Listen!
-Beware Of Any Prediction of Guam, 2005, Apb, WW3 into Armageddon, Again Apostle Said, Beware!
-Article... N.Korea says considering strike on Guam after Trump warns of 'fire and fury' article...http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/nkorea-says-seriously-considering-plan-to-strike-guam-kcna/ar-AApJPYg,so holy spirit prophesied this would happen how many years past? Whereas in my parable, really spontaneous, the yellowstone Caldera just begun to erupt, got Him, got Jesus yet.
Prophecy Link
-And I Heard in my hearing, "Its a hit, Cities hit, Guam just did it," this is a military strike yet to happen, that's been in my prophecies at least ten years now. All of which seen to be coming to past, as is warn this article. I want you to deeply reconsider, Revelation 17, as well as the days of Moses and Pharaoh, when Holy Scripture describes God suggesting putting it in men's hearts, (The heartening of Moses' Pharaoh, King Zechariah, King Nebuchadnezzar even King Saul, just naming a few), to turn over control of their power to the Antichrist. awake, Apb, The RAM, see blog here, http://escapingones2017.blogspot.com/2017/08/article_8.html
-What Will Happen September 23-25, Will Jesus Be Angry At Us, Like At The Religious Leaders For Not Knowing He Is Come? www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com
-Most bible scholars say despite the passage of some two thousand years since Christ Cross, and some 13 to 15 hundred years since most prophets to now end times prophecies that there's at least 80 percent of bible prophecy that haven't been fulfilled. Although with God having made a promise not only to this end time Apostle, (Ps. 37:1-6), but to the prophets of old, (Rev. 10), to Jesus the very spirit of prophecy and the Holy Apostle to Prophets of His, of Jesus, that not one word written nor spoken prophecy will go unfulfilled. What this mean is, when the angel Gabriel appeared 2004, this our present time line, this millennium that will soon be of Jesus' world governmental rule.
-Anxiously, not only was Angel Gabriel warning how all these things were unto fulfillment, he was also referencing how 80 percent of biblical prophesy would come into fruition on such a short matter of time, even explaining the last two days of receiving as words, “Revelation,” and just a day later, chanted right into my ear, “Revelation 12, Sign,” see more here, Remember Jesus said this, whereas that generation we begin to see all these things fulfilled is the generation that won't past away until all is as the Angel Gabriel warn, fulfilled. -Until you hear this, get it and receive it, you will be one of those ever mystified not only right into the grave, but a judgment and a lake of fire await those who're thousands of years of fore and forth-telling without an excuse. So mightily beware when Elohim God explains to the prophet Ezekiel inquiring then why send me, that's if the people can't see, hear nor receive me? Equally Jesus explicating why he speak in parables as don't be alarmed, these people being blind, deaf and dumb can't hear me irregardless of how or what I speak. Certainly, gladly, God's answer is that still, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear they'll know a Prophet of God is among them. -Those of the Christ Himself, of Holy Apostles of Christ, even sending the Holy Spirit into them, leaving those determined not to leave none ignorant is among them. Beware, this isn't simply because of God's generosity that's boundless for ages and ages, beware, God will use such recorded, merited favor to measure every man by what they heard and did or not adhere to, thus revelation cries, blessed are the hearers and doers of this work, because the end is at hand. Again, Apostle say, beware. As to prove this point so divinely, when Holy Spirit limitless with men reconciliation, were all the more shown as to come after Apostle, the Trump both the Brides escape and America's exodus, upon their arrival, a type of Cameron inquiring “are you ready,” I was sitting at my desk as now hoping to say something to persuade even the hardest of men, a Roman, Western Civilization., read this entire blog, here, if there are portions blocked, I told you blogger.com has resigned to doing that. -Unknowingly distracted religious to political issues, said end of days for America into this present world, beginning in our era with the two weeks and seven year timetable Obama's and passing to a come Brexit that is P. M. Cameron, again whose name was mention the last of demonstrating blessed escapes. I need to ask a question here, if Americans had known they had all but five and a Trump pending presidential administrations left would they have spent these last sixteen into a pending 17th years all tangled into an epidemic of battling and supervising into the trillions inedible turf wars? Although you can yet hear a cry, just as Bush wars march on Hussein and I quote Holy Spirit lamenting, "one error/era into a new fear factor,” and the next thing we knew Hussein that was reportedly an axis of evil was now Bush and America's President. -Unthinkably with mouth gaping awe, doing it's last two presidential and a pending Trump administrations. Oddly enough for the entire world, a once overthrown Hussein remarkably is it's reigning superpower, I know, how strange for all of us, so never underestimate the politics of bible prophecy. Ridiculously, now that Trump has declared America safe indefinitely, as though he himself is god, do you really yet stab a gander at what God's targeted fury toward a Trump/Pence ticket was all about, what else? These thieves and robbers, Christ Cross described of them from the beginning, building all the better, even in His Name, these mountainous death to soul tolls, yours. -It is not only that Western Civilization is over, and done but no longer this delay, hence the witness of seeing Jesus Millennium descending per Hussein's depleted Us Presidency, is said time out for the West immediately passing right now into the final week of Daniel. Come to think of it, its cleverness, is to explain why the same dream I had doing Obama's campaign of the Antichrist in great prowess, began once again. This was just before Trump took office, sadly meaning for most nothing has changed, this man's, this Trump election, bible prophecy charges on, hallelujah again I say. -Understand, this week alone I've received two words bearing the description Revelation. Though recently I been telling you if when the Holy Spirit get ye to repentant altars by forewarning you God is avenging martyred blood, we're at the point of revelation reveals where a world of rebellious as right this very second are running and escaping to all manner of divine hiding places of covers because the end by cataclysms unimaginable as predicted is come, and they're right now crying, and I quote these recordings from two thousands years ago, “for the great day of God's wrath is come,” now with Holy Lords chanting, “get ye to repentant altars, to exodus and believe Apostle I've seen the reapers commanded to target those who don't acknowledge America this exodus,,.. DECIDE! That's repent, escape or perish! -As well is the question, while being in celebrations in heaven, all brought into a screeching halt, no doubt Johns and my once detected silence there, whereas a holy one approached and without further this delay I'm standing before what can only be described as a mountain in heaven from which a brightness like the sunlight of god merges and cries, let my people? Of course God's creation, HIS People, let them loose from the great whore of religion presently Trump's administration allied by a demon beast, (a projected revised EU of the antichrist cabinet), all sitting on many waters, that aren't waters but all people this planet once Nimrod's scattered abroad Babel now this light that is dark of a satanic to demonic trap, Mystery Babel, (Babylon America). -Evidently with purpose this wake up call, as to present America a predatory lender of borrowed, even wind to dust treasures. Brilliantly, yet disastrously crept into humankind's everyday living as these pleasured ends that won't meet yet they're so thankful for the struggle of achieving the American Dream. Just as so, crept in also as this thief that is not, but has He, this genius Bridegroom, meticulously removed the Bride from them, meaning what seem like Elohim's abandonment, there's even the mystery of Ezekiel's witness of a Cherubim, God's exiting the temple glory, having a man's hand under his wings. It would appear, Elohim's long suffering was of the times, times and a half granted by the man in linen, Daniel's testament. -Why weepiest thou, God's Revelation laments, as there's a made to feel so helpless Apostle John that is crying, even a Mary Magdalene all pending Christ's Cross. Unmistakably, without Jesus as Lord, every man is doomed to damnation this expert mystery, now human kind's costliest of distraction. Biblically evident, since the serpent, Eden's garden lead these innocents away other than God's direct instruction this age of disobedience, (rebellion). Directly into this six thousand years later dwindling down dispensation of grace, of a Church Age, Of Jesus having the Brides hand under His healing wings, crying aloud it's last of the last fore warnings, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging the martyred blood of the Saints crying beneath His Throne and if the righteous scarcely be saved, who shall be able to stand? That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know for better this come judgment, the Righteous Bride of Jesus Christ is among you, as to pluck Ambers from the burning, Apb, The RAM.
-Anxiously, not only was Angel Gabriel warning how all these things were unto fulfillment, he was also referencing how 80 percent of biblical prophesy would come into fruition on such a short matter of time, even explaining the last two days of receiving as words, “Revelation,” and just a day later, chanted right into my ear, “Revelation 12, Sign,” see more here, Remember Jesus said this, whereas that generation we begin to see all these things fulfilled is the generation that won't past away until all is as the Angel Gabriel warn, fulfilled. -Until you hear this, get it and receive it, you will be one of those ever mystified not only right into the grave, but a judgment and a lake of fire await those who're thousands of years of fore and forth-telling without an excuse. So mightily beware when Elohim God explains to the prophet Ezekiel inquiring then why send me, that's if the people can't see, hear nor receive me? Equally Jesus explicating why he speak in parables as don't be alarmed, these people being blind, deaf and dumb can't hear me irregardless of how or what I speak. Certainly, gladly, God's answer is that still, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear they'll know a Prophet of God is among them. -Those of the Christ Himself, of Holy Apostles of Christ, even sending the Holy Spirit into them, leaving those determined not to leave none ignorant is among them. Beware, this isn't simply because of God's generosity that's boundless for ages and ages, beware, God will use such recorded, merited favor to measure every man by what they heard and did or not adhere to, thus revelation cries, blessed are the hearers and doers of this work, because the end is at hand. Again, Apostle say, beware. As to prove this point so divinely, when Holy Spirit limitless with men reconciliation, were all the more shown as to come after Apostle, the Trump both the Brides escape and America's exodus, upon their arrival, a type of Cameron inquiring “are you ready,” I was sitting at my desk as now hoping to say something to persuade even the hardest of men, a Roman, Western Civilization., read this entire blog, here, if there are portions blocked, I told you blogger.com has resigned to doing that. -Unknowingly distracted religious to political issues, said end of days for America into this present world, beginning in our era with the two weeks and seven year timetable Obama's and passing to a come Brexit that is P. M. Cameron, again whose name was mention the last of demonstrating blessed escapes. I need to ask a question here, if Americans had known they had all but five and a Trump pending presidential administrations left would they have spent these last sixteen into a pending 17th years all tangled into an epidemic of battling and supervising into the trillions inedible turf wars? Although you can yet hear a cry, just as Bush wars march on Hussein and I quote Holy Spirit lamenting, "one error/era into a new fear factor,” and the next thing we knew Hussein that was reportedly an axis of evil was now Bush and America's President. -Unthinkably with mouth gaping awe, doing it's last two presidential and a pending Trump administrations. Oddly enough for the entire world, a once overthrown Hussein remarkably is it's reigning superpower, I know, how strange for all of us, so never underestimate the politics of bible prophecy. Ridiculously, now that Trump has declared America safe indefinitely, as though he himself is god, do you really yet stab a gander at what God's targeted fury toward a Trump/Pence ticket was all about, what else? These thieves and robbers, Christ Cross described of them from the beginning, building all the better, even in His Name, these mountainous death to soul tolls, yours. -It is not only that Western Civilization is over, and done but no longer this delay, hence the witness of seeing Jesus Millennium descending per Hussein's depleted Us Presidency, is said time out for the West immediately passing right now into the final week of Daniel. Come to think of it, its cleverness, is to explain why the same dream I had doing Obama's campaign of the Antichrist in great prowess, began once again. This was just before Trump took office, sadly meaning for most nothing has changed, this man's, this Trump election, bible prophecy charges on, hallelujah again I say. -Understand, this week alone I've received two words bearing the description Revelation. Though recently I been telling you if when the Holy Spirit get ye to repentant altars by forewarning you God is avenging martyred blood, we're at the point of revelation reveals where a world of rebellious as right this very second are running and escaping to all manner of divine hiding places of covers because the end by cataclysms unimaginable as predicted is come, and they're right now crying, and I quote these recordings from two thousands years ago, “for the great day of God's wrath is come,” now with Holy Lords chanting, “get ye to repentant altars, to exodus and believe Apostle I've seen the reapers commanded to target those who don't acknowledge America this exodus,,.. DECIDE! That's repent, escape or perish! -As well is the question, while being in celebrations in heaven, all brought into a screeching halt, no doubt Johns and my once detected silence there, whereas a holy one approached and without further this delay I'm standing before what can only be described as a mountain in heaven from which a brightness like the sunlight of god merges and cries, let my people? Of course God's creation, HIS People, let them loose from the great whore of religion presently Trump's administration allied by a demon beast, (a projected revised EU of the antichrist cabinet), all sitting on many waters, that aren't waters but all people this planet once Nimrod's scattered abroad Babel now this light that is dark of a satanic to demonic trap, Mystery Babel, (Babylon America). -Evidently with purpose this wake up call, as to present America a predatory lender of borrowed, even wind to dust treasures. Brilliantly, yet disastrously crept into humankind's everyday living as these pleasured ends that won't meet yet they're so thankful for the struggle of achieving the American Dream. Just as so, crept in also as this thief that is not, but has He, this genius Bridegroom, meticulously removed the Bride from them, meaning what seem like Elohim's abandonment, there's even the mystery of Ezekiel's witness of a Cherubim, God's exiting the temple glory, having a man's hand under his wings. It would appear, Elohim's long suffering was of the times, times and a half granted by the man in linen, Daniel's testament. -Why weepiest thou, God's Revelation laments, as there's a made to feel so helpless Apostle John that is crying, even a Mary Magdalene all pending Christ's Cross. Unmistakably, without Jesus as Lord, every man is doomed to damnation this expert mystery, now human kind's costliest of distraction. Biblically evident, since the serpent, Eden's garden lead these innocents away other than God's direct instruction this age of disobedience, (rebellion). Directly into this six thousand years later dwindling down dispensation of grace, of a Church Age, Of Jesus having the Brides hand under His healing wings, crying aloud it's last of the last fore warnings, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging the martyred blood of the Saints crying beneath His Throne and if the righteous scarcely be saved, who shall be able to stand? That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know for better this come judgment, the Righteous Bride of Jesus Christ is among you, as to pluck Ambers from the burning, Apb, The RAM.
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