Sunday, August 13, 2017

When the Angel Gabriel 2004 appeared, to warn us we were the final of civilization generation, that the age of evil that's been predicted since the fall of the first Adam is rising to power, This revelation of truth is why I witnessed two beast rise, one from land and on from sea, just as Hussein Obama campaigned for the presidency. Just as it was doing the end of Clinton administration into the beginning of Bush's being declared "one error/era into a new fearfactor (pretty much the tug of nuclear war right now). I was shown a manner of America's hand writing on the wall dating back to the fall of King Belshazzar, King Nebuchadnezzar's grandson over the power of the Medes and Persians. Understand, doing the dream whereas I witnessed a build up of torture vehicles, I witness a US general explain to his men and I quote, "don't be alarm, Mede, (hear representing a demonic territorial spirit, a Prince of Mede, "is very dirty, " as in evil.  When you invest the scripture whereas America's hand writing on the wall was prophetically alluded to, it's the days of the prophet Jeremiah, the same one doing another dream of a US general who is handing his (war), horse off to a US general citing no contest with biblical prophecy. The Prophecy Jeremiah is suffering great the prosecution of this King and his corrupt panel as he does everything including enduring the worse of their torture to bring the truth, only when he does, said scroll, even re-written as God commanded but you had to undestand God was warning King Zechriah, that he and his fellow men, nation had fallen into the hands of the enemies and resist was not only freutal it would be lethal for him and his people and worse of all, those depentant allies, ( a China, Russia hanging on the fence right now, even a United weren't coming to the rescue, it simply didn't matter, if they stayed still and did nothing, invasion was coming, if they fought to death, causing unnecessary death to soul tolls they were still looking at invasion, only presently for America, and why the Holy Spirit has been showing a nation wide evacuation, I apostle warn should've been staged among American's instead of another presidential election, going into exodus, will spare tens of millions, again Holy Spirit new this which is why for last several decades I've seen as many evacations as I've seen demonstration of Rapture, one involved what only could be described as a slow motion exodus only the more to fuel god's anger, commanded reapers, this hurry them along to be sent into them, just as so another, zi woke up in what could only be described as the entire nation or Western ryule as a whole, nw staged as this limit maze crafted along one corruption to abomination after another, until this one in particular, whereas I witnessed for two night straight, these trans gender restroom brawl deemed as traps for the children and soon the cry, not only that all parents die, but all schools be finished. Just as so doing this maze of an apocalypse that's come, I soon find myself though patiently, again a parody of their procrastination all the more this curse, all the more this micro judgments, soon I'm in a line of millions upon millions now stranded this single water cooler, remember for years now I been made to see persons traveling only by bikes, some even three to bike, indicating a desolated economy, meaning Obama administration, for two consecutive years where a test, now bringing the slave market full circle, this mightiest of men, of world rule, super powers yet for all minorities to immigrants ever made to feel unfair ot left out, which explains why from the beginning this little test was forthwith given what was left of the despensation of grace time table, imagine the God's Throne, Christ the anointed, the twentyfour elders dominions and powers all plotting and blindsighted for no reason these thousands of years of outreaching God's Righteousness, two thousands spent outreaching Christ's Cross, and they yet don't get, that they've been made vicitim of their own rebellion now their curse of all curse, still God's grace lament aloud it's final mercy, and I repeat, "get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood," though this cry really distrubed some, cauing them to out angrily, others, they just counted it as mundain as the hour, but no, this particuilar, of HOly Spirit sighting specifically, that God isn't just avenging blood, but martyred blood, mean we've entered the fulfillment of the 5th seal of Revelation, and explains, why Holy Spirits sending me text like messages, that Jesus is on this way here, totally and completely conincided with those 21 Coptic, Egyptian Christians being lead onto a beach and beheaded for their witness to worship of Jesus, You see this cry, is just another marker, we, mankind's kingdoms of Gabriel's mentioning a seventh angel, all that is men, these thousands of years is at an end, thus the witness now doing Trump's Campaign, of seeing instsead not only the glorious ascension of Jesus' Millennium, not only the Antichrist in great prowess, not only the same fury Elohim god cut at Gog and Magog was now being directed a Trump/Pence ticket, I was now witnessing the Bride, reigning in heaven, having in her possession, the stone cut out without hands, I further saw that it had the surface of a meteor and when it was released, I heard a cry, and I quote, "this is the Antichrist murderer, if you listen closely you hear Jesus lament from the Cross, it is finished, your labor is done. Meaning all of mankind's turf wars,
we're right back to king Nebuchadnezzar's dream that terrified him tremendously, just as what the Angel Gabriel, once appearing to Daniel about these same end time events, once appearing to a teenage pending mother Mary, about her blessed womb, no other Angel appearing can be more important of unbelievers crying perhaps if an Angel from haven, thus what he said should've shook all nation builders to its core right into the two of too many military dreams I've shared plenty, that should've caused 100 of millions to evacuate a decade before now, that this shift certain scientist have been measuring and warning, would have at it's fruition the many millions suddenly getting so climatically southeast into exodus, everything you treasure as America that can't be tossed across your back with it had been set for demolition and every master disaster that can perform an extinction event beginning America's western border and spreading through the entire sub conference of  the entire country, which then explains the most horrid of my horrifying dreams what Holy Spirit reassured Apostle of a triple threat designed and set against US soil and like the days of the prophets prophesying these pending fall out, down of nations only to come it's witnessed, not only taking part in a census taking that was made out of the lamb's book of life being open, made a very specific roll call, do you all know how far into biblical fulfillment the Bride has to be the point of Apostle John, doing the Revelations of God, witnessing the Lamb's book of life being open and soon declaring, whosoever name isn't written therein shall be cast into a lake of fire. I will end this post to comment with the one vision this reminder, I looked into a dream, a month or so pass, and I'm watching as one is playing a word puzzle, and the word now is being moved around, moved around until it come to rest aside another word, Judgment, until the warning is Judgment now, a few days latter I witnessed the word Horrible as it'd been plucked right out of the work, and still a day later also, again the word now, only was being dawn with beautiful lights of caution and still another word, "DECIDE!" All such words recently ending with the words Revelation, and just soon the words Revelation 12 Sign, and here just a night or so past, again the word Judgment, come to think of it, just last night, there was something about August 29th, It is since before the days of the earliest Prophet Samuel, sin now separting his heavenly father from his creation it is by the gifts of prophecy, and the written word, these psalms, proverbs, allegories, parables and now presently prophetic parables, its is by the word made flesh and sending His Holy Spirit among us God is to keep his promised, that his creation iwll not be left ignorant, thus the sunlight of God 2016, commanding from behind a mountain God's throne, "let my people go," further this as surety, we're looking at another migration into a complete exodus of all area's of western civilization, Clinton to Bush a prelude to it's end, Obama a prequel, two weeks and sevens year worth, and Trump, as Cameron's is a Brexit, to Trump's Truexit, both the Brides and America's, he should be planning our escape, not you massive deaths. For the great day of HIS wrath is come US soil, even from beneath the ground where preppers prep and not one tittle of making Western rule will be left standing, on to the final week of Daniel, for when the seventh angel sound, of what Gabriel mention, all nation building will be finished, making world leaders yet standing all the more angry, get out while you still can, and sincerely, may God bless your exodus, Christ's or America's, DECIDE!.

Bush the prelude, on error, Obama, the one, two weeks seven years, Trump, 50 mil to die, Truexit into exodus fury

thebride in heaven gabriel, death toll, antichristin great prowess,

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