Monday, July 31, 2017


     -The Words Judgement Now, Twice This Warning, to a blinking light of Caution, Now Is The Day Of Salvation!

Prophecy Link

     -Ain't No Mountain High Enough, 07/31/2017

     -There's something about the lyrics no winter's cold, can stop me from getting to you. That when I research it, I was lead to Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye song, "ain't no mountain high enough, to keep me from getting to you babe.  Miraculously says the Bridegroom to the Bride, as so says the Bride to the Bridegroom.
     -So why these particular lyrics? Surely to reassure all those awaiting a spring rapture that the God who promised into prophecies is fateful and trustworthy, so much so, Jesus of Resurrection is here, that when the last Trump sounds, both for the Bride and America's exodus we're out of here, we're gone to Marriage Supper.,

     -As The Days Of Noah, Sodom And Moses Into The Prophets Of Old

     -Being as a Noah, An Abraham, even a Lot visited upon and warn by Angels themselves, Gabriel being one of them. Being, knowing, warning as the great prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, as Apostle John's testament of God's Revelations. When the worse that can happen, happen, if there is one among you who can say Maaseiah, (the church Bride), Momma, grandmar, sister, aunt, friend or foe didn't tell me this. Didn't warn me, please call me right now, as in right now so I can tell you;  just as so you can email me, 'Tell me,' here, or send a message by facebook here,

     -Are you READYYYY, Ready FOR THE BIG RIDE BABYYYY? The first I heard screaming in my ears about 5:15 am, as I open my eyes this morning of 07/31/2017. Though it's my oldest son breaking out in chorus, It's Nicholas Cage from Knowing, Left Behind, here as Castor Troy, The Movie Face Off, (see America and N. Korea in a faceoff of nuclear war right now!). How many negatives here, just as Jesus show Himself closer to removing the Bride than before His Own Ascension? Surely this single positive.
    -The four winds of cataclysmic mayhem Rev. 7, held back for now, will after the Bride is taken be released upon earth's inhabitants. Only for as long as She's here such wrath of God is limited about what it can do, but once that hindrance (II Thess. 2:7-10), is no more, instant death to Soul tolls will be in the Millions, got Him, Got Jesus yet? The more I realize how dangerous to glorious all things bringing anywhere from harsh to blessed realities to light. Apparently, the more comprehensive is the dream, the demonstration of rapture's ETE, of September along an American Southeastern evacuation into exodus, the night of June 26th, 2015, then pending now mightily unto fulfillment,  the Bride already evacuating, awake, Apb, the RAM, see here,


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Seeing Beast Tearing and Chopping At Pulpits/Pews, Peace Getting Porches And Prosperity, Beware!

   Prophecy Link

     -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb

     -They're All Coming, see here, or read here,

     -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, (Dan. 2), whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also

     -Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come

     -Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That's To Happen, Happens! and

  -This is true, doing the three nights 1998, of dreaming war on US soil, and America being hand off to it's enemy, it wasn't a Russian Invasion I saw, but an Asian Invasion. When I 2003, by bible prophecy, Rev. 11:1, 2 predicted a Hussein white house, while Saddam was being hunted for persecution and execution, there was no way this was possible, just as an American exodus, again happening right under their noses, isn't possible right now.
     Never ever disregard bible prophecy, Israel, because of a weight of guiltiness of 42 months said judgment will manifest itself in the form of an end time Islamic reign. So right now, despite what Trump is tweeting, Western Rule by the mightiest of unforeseen  cataclysms is depleting accordingly, with parents being commanded to be killed, how schools are to be finished; frightfully you guys right along a death toll 2002, 2017, totaling 50 million.
     This remind me, I looked into a youtube video, this young lady knew nothing about me, nor I her. Only as she begin to finish, she went into one dream about this nation wide storm, that when it was finished, all the schools, (these transgender traps for children, Apb) were all destroyed. All you guys but the one in the dream Holy Spirits escaped her to, which was in Georgia; get as far Southeast into exodus as possible, awake, repent, escape America, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see here,

Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come

Prophecy Link -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb -They're All Coming, see here, or read here, -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, (Dan. 2), whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also -Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come -Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen! and -Just before the towers of New York went down, about three years earlier, I was in three nights of dreaming whereas I witnessed wars on US soil, whereas one of these enemies was Arab, until immediately I thought Saddam. Just as so another wasn't just an enemy, but an Asian invasion on US soil, and the last dream, like the one I witness only days ago, the word "Horrible," just plucked out of the work. This instead was the announcement of the word "Epidemic! Do not believe your leaders when they tell you anything other than God's judgment is upon America, I even come to the conclusion recently that perhaps tens of millions of Americans, this slow motion exodus are predestined to die suddenly until thy get this escape thing right. Ideally, as the prophets of old witnessed by grace, spiritual gifts what was to come upon their sinful nations and leaders despite what a wonderful light the people might see such leadership in. -I've seen the end of America, I told you God Himself, came to me, like a Father Abraham, even like father Noah, even that He spoke to me lately. Not unusual doing a visitation to heaven, further, doing an intermission of celebrations there, possibly the silence in heaven both John and I suffered, (Rev. 8:1), it was here he spoke to me like a deliverer Moses, this sunlight of God, moving from behind a mountain which spoke, "let my people go," this was prior to the ten plague of Egypt. Just before God's Anointed being safeguarded from a bringer of death (now God's Wine Press), behind a Lamb's Blood of Life (now the great gathering of Saints), Jesus as Holy Spirits and Heavenly signs right before his own ascension has shown Himself here, monitoring this second by second countdown, that at the blink of an eye we're out, awake, repent, escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM.

 Prophecy Link

    -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb

     -They're All Coming, see here, or read here,
     -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, (Dan. 2), whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also

     -Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come

     -Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen! and

     -This end time Apostle has one question, why isn't this article topping the list and topping the list and yes and topping the list? Trump has already shown us where his heart is, that when Jesus said all gone before you are thieves and robbers he was referencing America to Western Leaders. That's by declaring a more abominable in God's eyes America since the days of Noah, the destruction of Sodom and the overthrown of Nimrod's temple declaring as the Apostle Paul forewarn of end time leaders. How it is right before the great gathering of saints and the Antichrist reveal two of the greatest troubles this planet ever, or ever again, just this beginning to the end.
     -Make yourself aware, those declaring America peace and safety. obviously when sudden destruction like travail upon woman with child is the judgment upon any such deception. Now if you care anything about America's President, tell him, God is right NOW, as in right NOW judging martyred blood, America found guilty, 2001-2017, that in 190 months until a deletion instantly of 190 years, herein all are to get to repentant altars, said cataclysms like men tug of nuclear wars has no respect to person, awake, Apb, The RAM, see here

Friday, July 28, 2017

Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen!

Prophecy Link -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb -They're All Coming, see here, or read here, -Prophecy Links -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen! and -Sadly, but the direct death toll mention here of 28 million is more indicative of the out break of mortuary I witnessed these 31 springs concerning first of all a Yellowstone type eruption. Especially if this eruption act as a domino effect toward all fault lines teetering on the edge right now. As so twenty million on US soil or more is that forewarn of another prophet, I'm not saying there are not others. Bill Gates place a death by an outbreak just as a pale horse judgment 2001-2017, is pending at 30 million but if I'm not mistaking he's talking the world over. -Let's just say, the more Americans to westerns show themselves as right this moment waiting America's Trump instead of God's. Just this slow motion exodus the Holy Spirit portrayed of them, indefinitely this procrastination will decide just how sizable the toll on lives this master disaster to extinction level event will cause. Given many dreams, visions, visitations to heaven and heaven visiting me, I then have many reasons to suspect not only Incalculable evacuations. Though as the days of Moses an unforeseen exodus of all US to the Western territories, of a silence in heaven, a sunlight moving from behind a mountain God's throne which spoke, "let my people go." -Just as so explaining why it was when Holy Spirit as testified of the prophet Ezekiel's 8th chapter, how he was carried about by a lock of his hair this fly over the country. Doing an alike adventure of my own, Holy Spirits bringing me into a fly over America such began by showing me how cataclysmic events where affecting the entire country which began at the Whitehouse that was in tremendous flames. As so was there obvious damage to the Kennedy Space center, so hesitating to tell you, as is being warn this video, what am I saying? - I am saying, by the time I am brought into seeing this consuming inferno moving in from the West, all three corners, there is no Eastwest, Midwest, nor Southwest to speak of. Awfully, until like the Prophet Ezekiel though I've known the answer since visitations from heaven into to the death rider vision 1996, my question should've been, "will you, Holy Lord, destroy the entirety of America at this time? Only to make things worse, though I witnessed the west this fiery mess into the White house being consumed in tremendous flames. I just as soon heard it announce by a radio broadcast that the entire Eastern seaboard was as well gone, so millions of other lives lay in the aching question, whether to exodus? Surely, this is why I tell all evacuees to get as far southeast as possible and once there, prepare for a complete Exodus.​ Awake, repent, escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see here, -


Why Doeth Thou Marvel, I Will Show You The Mystery Of The End Time Despot

Early to Mighty, Apb
     -Don’t be deceived nor distracted, with the witness of Jesus’ Millennium following Obama’s expired two weeks and seven years of America’s to the Western Rule finale we knew Trump’s, whose presidential campaign should’ve been as right now this nation wide getting to altars of Jesus Christ.
    -That’s unto a ceaseless exodus crying aloud, God is avenging martyred blood and who shall be able to stand? Surely we knew Trump’s Would be short lived, let no man, Pope, President. Politician nor Pastor/Preacher deceive you, the end of western civilization into Daniel’s final week is upon us, remember? See http://www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com

Prophecy Link

     -Seem to be hearing in my ear, 2005, “the Antichrist is to kill millions as millions go broke,” (what shall it profit a man if gain the world and lose his soul? Beware!), Jesus, Apb
   -Lay A Siege Upon Mystery America, It Will Not Recover, The Mark Of The Beast

   -I don’t believe people are going to be fooled or deceived into the mark or a Righteous God wouldn’t be able to sincerely hold them accountable. Though they will accept it knowingly, admittedly some by fear, others by worship and not being in Christ Jesus make you extremely vulnerable. 
     -Like Apostle assure you, just as those three Kings looked for Jesus’s birth, here reminded by the same Revelation 12 sign presently marking the Rapture, just as Holy Spirits lingered about Jesus right before ascension, Jesus allied by alike Holy Lords is here placating a second by nanosecond count down.
     -Just understand, accepting this mark is another form of suicide, judgment and hell and if it’s your entire family, you’re talking mass suicide, as usual this is not a way out. As usual there isn’t a problem nor a person, (Antichrist), even doing the worse of tribulations ever worth you forfeiting your immortal soul into Jesus’ Millennium and God’s Kingdom come. 
     -Death, even torture is momentary compared to the eons and eons of divine paradise now before any believer into worship of Jesus Christ, ask Stephen, (Acts 7:55). This truth is why the very testimony of his martyrdom exist, seeing right into Jesus’ Reign (even as I witnessed the Bride’s, reign, 2015), awaiting him doing the early church and now (the reigning Bride), the church’s finale, worse of tortures. 
     -Again Stephen’s is one proof Jesus is the blessed death and resurrection to immortal life. So, just as miraculous as His claim that whosoever believe in Him shall never perish, the martyred will in only seconds open their eyes to this blessed Bridegroom leading us to Marriage Suppers and Mansions in Heaven.
     -Rightly, I believe ministering Stephen's testimony (Acts 7:55), brought more clarity to when I looked into heaven 2015 and other than Antichrist in great prowess upon the earth. I witnessed the Bride now reigning in in heaven that's as to prepare the stone made without hands.
     -Herein since this happen just as those 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians were being beheaded by ISIS was I then seeing what they were seeing upon ascension? Just this ultimate reassurance their to our martyrdom to wasn't in vain, as there's a cry on the earth right now, I quote, God's dwelling age of grace, "get to repent altars, God is avenging Martyred blood," Hallelujah​, Amen, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Seen To Be Seeing The Word Escape The Back Window Of A SUV

Prophecy Link
  -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb -They're All Coming, see here, or read here, -Prophecy Links -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen! -This is why Granddaddy by a dream exactly two years ago June 26, 2015 moved y'all to Georgia and Jesus, the Bride to heaven. Unaware of this, your aunt and uncle for a loved one medical health moved me to Georgia June 26 2017, I'm praying your parents come on here, show your mom this -I believe this manner of eruption is the fulfillment of the death rider I witnessed 1996, spring out from beneath the earth. The earth's surface open up and a great bringer of death rose up, possibly the E.L.E. pending by October, 2017 crying aloud recently, "Kill all parents by, finish all schools," beware! I can only tell you, God is right NOW! In the showing unrepentant Americans business, living by his grace only to worship Satan (America) ...Apb, see

Elohim Crying Behind A Silence In Heaven, My Heart Is Like Wax, Again,

-Article... Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.” Article (strike mankind's one single blood lineage, they bleed to death, judgment and hell), Apb Elohim Crying Behind A Silence In Heaven, My Heart Is Like Wax, Again, (Psalm 22), You Must Be Born Again, Decide! -No cyber man, this is not good, not now that you have a government that has legalized same sex marriage and thus the transgender lifestyle, this is hypocritical at best. It's unconstitutional, it's another form of attempting to put the genie back into the bottle and it's splashed to splattering and blowing in the wind and the fan is in Jesus' blood stained hands. Does your president even know how much money his government spend annually on medical cost because of sexual promiscuity alone, that new sexually transmitted diseases are created regularly and HIV Aids isn't somewhere just hibernating? -He may as well ban all non-married military and punish harshly all legitimate acts of claims of adultery, I know ban the whole of America's immoral sex lives. He can't undo the American dream 190 years of immortality and blood guiltiness sorely rooted and grounded within the hearts of men by a stroke of his presidential tweets I don't care what manner of a magic man to superman you all celebrate he is. -All fornication to unrighteousness is sin, all same-sex relations/marriages to pre marital sex is a sin, a transgression against the body, God's Temple and your president just made the well elevated transgender movement America's abominable whoredom's, scapegoat. President Trump isn't just building a wall south, but he's attempting the days of Hitler's Germany, of protecting Holy America from and attempting to net out the the axis of evil from them. Perhaps a long conference with Bush's war on them (this axis of evil) and Jesus' having overthrown them (the authentic axis of evil possessing all men), cast out for an eternity would better serve him, even the world. -You see said corruption into abomination is the one human kind, Genesis marriage, since the fall, single heart's blood and Jesus alone is the cleaner, is the fixer upper, Jesus alone. I pray to God, by Jesus's name, blood, that this decision won't move more of the military toward a suicidal choice, suicide is not a choice, it is not an escape, outer darkness into the lake of fire await and there is not a problem nor a person on this planet worth forfeiting God's Kingdom come. Awake, repent, escape in this order, Apb, The RAM, see,

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

And He Reign On Earth A Thousand Years

  -Article, Pope Francis Says Relationship With Jesus Is Harmful And Dangerous, Article, (Only It's their trust in an imagery world as the American Dream pulled over a curse of death, Judgment and hell, that's as mankind's perfect enemy adorn in friendly peace accords, beware), Apb. The RAM
Prophecy Link -Seem to be in heaven, seem to be in the midst of massive celebration, see to have an intermission (silence in heaven 92 AD, 1992 AD), instead, arriving me before the Throne. That's as a mountain top and a brightness like the sun which spoke, "let my people go!" Meaning, Heavenly Father count earth's inhabitants as religious, to political, to satanic to demonic slaves with only the Lamb's blood of life immortal, Jesus, to make them free, get Jesus, Apb Destroy This Temple, And He Reign On Earth A Thousand Years, Such Is This Seven Year Countdown, Right Now! - Pope Francis Says Relationship With Jesus Is Harmful And Dangerous but so did the religious leaders of Jesus' day, who plotted and prod to assassinate him; why would these present religious to political leaders yet unrepentant, be any different? Awarding the individuality to worship God in Spirit and Truth, no more goals set these traps into slavery this temporal earth, this vain getting after worldly assets lives, lands and churches horribly passing away just as themselves.
-Though instead pressed toward the Cross, it's reconciling blood, to dwell God's Throne into a divine New World order, a come perfect earth. As Her Blessed Lord, destroy this Bride and in nan-o-second it will be restored to marriage suppers and mansions in heaven, onto the millennium reign of Christ, Jesus. Justly, right into the infinite reign of the Ancient of days, the seventh angel readies, and as prophesied Rev. 11, all the rebellious, incluing the Pope are angry, got Him, got Jesus yet? Awake, Apb, The RAM ...See Decide, Here


This Rapture Video Will Make You Cry

     -Seem to be hearing in my ear, unable to shake the lyrics to the song, 'Mac tonight, "when the clock strikes, half past six, babe, time to head for golden lights," (streets, the southeast, the rapture will ultimately spell America's exodus). I'm right here reminded of my now deceased husband Mack, always in my dream acting like a type of Jesus, doing the Leopard skin coat dream, (, again acting as this blessed bridegroom, come in like a thief to snatch the Bride out from under them, these sorely distracted people, this curse of strong delusion, beware, Apb, The RAM

For The Lord Himself,

     -I know it say it'll make you cry, I admit I laughed and shouted more than I cried, and did my hallelujah march, dance all around. Of course, then I said, I got to share this with my family and friends on face book, especially having received as a word twice, NOW! That's Twice, as in Judgment Now, and the Word Now! As a blinking light of caution and just the other night the word "DECIDE!" Then oddly just the other night still, what seem like a yellow cab, written on the side with the words, "lay a siege," surely see North Korea or any Asian Enemy.
     -Clearly, that's as in Ezekiel 4, as in, of when Elohim God's judgment unite your enemies against you. Get out guys, those crying peace and safety are nothing but those thieves and robbers that Jesus forewarn. Instead get as far southeast as possible into what will be an American exodus, unless like this specialty saints is describing, you are Christ and on this second by second countdown you're being snatched out, awake, repent, rapture or escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see DECIDE! Here,

Prophecy Link

     -Seen to be hearing a voice screaming "SEVENTEEN," when I was first commanded 2003, to mark 17 and 7 it would be a while before i realized it, these were the numerical surrounding Noah's Ark, hence marking the end of all things rebellious men into the making of the rainbow covenant, now so horribly broken, repent or perish! 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Youth Pastor Gray, my grands church, asked the question about the woman being submissive in a courtship. My daughter Ericka specified how it should in the beginning be a marriage, here enters my comments
    -And A Man, (naturally born), should leave his mother and father and should cleave to own wife (naturally born), and there they shall become one flesh (married); the Genesis Man/Marriage. God’s Will being down.

Cleavage, One New Man, When A Spouse Love A Spouse        

  -Amen daughter Ericka, spoken like a married person. Jesus also said the husband should love the wife, as he loved the church and gave himself for it; there's no more submission to sacrifice than that.  Mankind has always made this teaching seem a little one sided but know, if you're married, you died, yours became his, his became yours.

      -If this marriage is not a single, constantly evolving workmanship of compassion to romantic (marriage beds), until death, the only shade of white, left. Just this growing constantly evolving masterpiece where Christ is Lord, it's not the Marriage God's Jesus builds into eternity. Apb, see more here, ....y'all read everything else read this, I kinda dare you, ... Apb, The RAM

Monday, July 24, 2017

Maddening, Huffington Post Celebrates The End OF Western Civilization Threatening The Genesis Man/Marriage

Maddening, Huffington Post Celebrates The End OF Western Civilization Threatening The Genesis Man/Marriage, Why Does The Heathen Rage Indeed? -If there are those who ever wondered what going off the deep end looks like, while now you no longer have to wonder. Right now Apostle want you to ask yourself what it is Holy Spirits want you to "DECIDE!" Is it that right here, this very moment no more delay, it's simply, repent or perish? Jesus Millennium into God's Kingdom is here, where upon your individual decision will you spend your birth upon eternity, as Jesus' Heir or as Satan's hell of a roommate? When you shall see the abominations as this show or madness into Antichrist right here, escape the great beasts tearing through their pulpits, porches and prosperity to make all things of rebellious men desolate, forever, Awake, repent and escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see more here,


     -They're All Coming, listen here, or read here,
     -We Three Kings, let us be reminded, the three kings coming to bear Jesus's gifts, out looking for the prophesied signs, meaning though they didn't know the day and hour of His Birth, they, like the Bride right now, and all prophesing clear signs, they, we know the time, that it's come.

Prophecy Links

     -The dream of a word puzzle lately, and the word NOW, being moved all around until it came to rest along the word Judgment, as in "Judgment Now!" With another lately about this same word NOW, only it was decorated, like the word India, the word NOW! Was here shown to have, blinking lights of caution, meaning regardless of Trump lately, crying peace and safety instead there is just this sudden, without warning come, one cataclysmic event after another, Apb,

    -Putin And Trump's Handshake, The Word Horrible Plunked Out, A Voice just last night, Screaming "Seventeen," and Now, the single word DECIDE! With A Yellow Cab Wearing The Words, Lay A Siege, All of Which Instead is The Call To Stampede (Putin and Trump Handshake) Heard All Around The World, Escape! See entire blog here

     -The Parable, Miracles From Heaven, The Lesson Of The Hollow Tree, Dying To Live!

     -Those of the RAM's Ministry, we knew this was coming, even while Anderson Cooper is showing his 91 year old mom how to use Instagram, okay, okay, I was channel surfing again, just thought I'll say as Jesus, let no man deceive you. As I said, we knew this day was coming, an Asian Invasion Us soil, before those towers went down, since the night of 1998, of dreaming war instead on Us soil, an Arab enemy into an Asian one. As so receiving two parts words like, West Worthy, War Saw and the word EPIDEMIC, curiously with a pale horse type judgement pending by October 2017.
     -Now so serious as one of society's own prominent men, like Bill Gates is warning of an outbreak that is come that could claim 30 million. As so prophesied the Ram's Ministry, tens of millions to die, Us soil alone, pending only one such judgment, with many following, pending only months from now, awake, repent, escape in this order, that's Southeast, into an American exodus. Only with the latest word here nearly twenty years later, being "DECIDE!" I looked in a vision and I saw written was the word, "DECIDE!" I know, even after thousands of years of ministering God's Righteousness that alone is that all men (earth's inhabitants), come to Christ Jesus, you're still asking, decide what?
     -Well Jesus simply said, repent or perish, God's Kingdom is coming, when Holy Spirits by divine text messages, 2015, made it totally clear, not only is Jesus coming, that Jesus is on His way, here. When a like a year later, 2016, I witnessed with my own eyes Jesus' Millennium as to invade a fake Whitehouse Obama to Trump reign, descend. Then a few nights ago, I was made to know for a certainty, as I been ministering, Jesus is here. Now seeming, even like the days right before His ascension, undoubtedly it's like Christ the Bridegroom, The Archangel Michael, the Trump of God and a host of Angels are circling all about us, up, down and all around just another reminder time done lapsed (Seeing President Obama, First lady Obama, and the little Miya girl, on Dunlap Street), Holy Lords come, for to carry us home, it's time.
     -I guess you can say, how nice of them, of the Military forewarning us of approaching wars with North Korea, even into an Asian Invasion US soil. All while America's President cry peace and safety doing the worse times of this nation ever, or ever again, seeing it's to be as evacuated as the days of the Mayan Cities and as disappeared as the days of Atlantis, Who, What? Yet another fulfilled prophecy can be marked off, for when they shall say peace and safety and sudden destruction like an Asian invasion. That's into a Yellowstone type eruption is instead upon their incorrigible procrastination and tens of millions will not escape. Without ceasing, of the Apostle Paul for thousands of years warning of this, meaning not only is the Bride's escape imminent, as so is the Antichrist's reveal.
     -It's all explains like the days of Senator Obama's Presidential campaign, doing Trump's I identically spent a night dreaming of the Antichrist rise into the greatest of prowess. Purposefully the underlining to predestined reveal behind Putin and Trump's handshake felt around the world into a revised EU, (America, Western Rule must decrease). As is prophesied of the little horn creating his lethal cabinet of evil right out of powerful world leaders as those at present meaning to do so well of the mightiest of curses; again, peace and safety when end times apocalypse is instead upon all of them and except they escape, exodus, well lets just say it explains why the pale horse rides with a horses of hades, again, and again, awake, DECIDE! Escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Parable, Miracles From Heaven, The Lesson Of The Hollow Tree

They're All Coming, listen here, or read here,  

Prophecy Links

     -The dream of a word puzzle lately, and the word NOW, being moved all around until it came to rest along the word Judgment, as in "Judgment Now!" With another lately about this same word NOW, only it was decorated, like the word India, the word NOW! Was now shown to have, blinking lights of caution, meaning regardless of Trump lately, crying peace and safety instead there is just this sudden, without warning come, one cataclysmic event after another, Apb,

    -Putin And Trump's Handshake, The Word Horrible Plunked Out, A Voice just last night, Screaming "Seventeen," All of Instead, is, The Call To Stampede Heard All Around The World, Escape! see entire blog here

The Parable, Miracles From Heaven, The Lesson Of The Hollow Tree, Dying To Live!

   -"That's, no, no, Bright, that's not what I'm saying, take the lesson, well first have you guys seen the movie, the parable, Miracles From Heaven? Okay the lesson behind the little girl falling into the hollow tree, dying, ascending and visiting heaven, Jesus. The moment this horror happen, after everything that's happen to this family, Elohim God placed like this screeching halt on everything. Meaning, all boards great and small, religious, political, medical, pharmaceutical, social and domestic and proved right there at that moment that He alone is God; repeat after me, "that He alone is God."
   -Jesus did identically when He took all laws, prophets, and rulers then, now, on this planet and shaped it and mold it into two great commandments of love. Meaning, if you couldn't unconditionally love God into forgiving and loving your fellow man, yes especially your enemies, then you are none of His. Now mediate on that momentarily; when husband BFA files (, reminded the same can be said, when Jesus snatched Saul of Tarsus. Evidently, right from under the religious leaders war on the early church, giving us the greatest of Apostles,' Paul this mightest of detriment to all Religion, then and  now.
     -Let Apostle warn you, when Holy Spirits in live time, write in red letters, right in the midst of one of Apostle Paul's books, scriptures, Roman 6, and I quote, "man can't do this," he was letting you know now into eons and eons of time. That except a man be born again he cannot come as Christ, he cannot comprehend, nor enter into nor inherit God's Kingdom, a new man by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus must be established by repentance and complete surrender to Holy Spirits. complete surrender, see Romans, 12:1, 2.  Death is the heavy weight upon this earth, even for Jesus the night of Gethsemane, crying the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, (self/flesh need to be pound into the dust, Holy Spirits referencing mass assembly, 2016). Then faithfully Jesus cried, your will Lord Father be done, evenly why king David cried, the Lord is my shepherd, as in the shepherd of his death and dying, we all have one, a curse of death and dying.
     -Meanwhile Jesus, the resurrection of life is our blessed death, the second death, hell hath no power, crying aloud of those born again, death where is thy sting, grave where is thy victory? So except all mankind fall into a hallowed out tree and die, and like Christ become this new man, this new found by Christ's sacrifice royal priesthood. Truly he cannot inherit God's Kingdoms, fear verses faith won't allow it, heretofore, the Holy Spirit cry lately, 2016, self need to be pound into the dust. Understand, unless self-seeking to serfdom like a seed goes into the earth, divine soil, cultivated by Jesus' blood, and their die, never to again to seek the American Dream. As in transform into a newness of Holy Spirit there is no inheritance, God's Kingdom awaiting him, as Jesus forewarn from the beginning, ye must be born again. now you see more and more churches, pastors and choirs are less and less likely to win you over to Christ, knocking after you, your soul, right now.
     -Now those of you who raised your hands, please go and watch Miracles from heaven with this renewed revelation, except a man be born again (again die to self, surrender all to holy spirits). Surely you now see, how totally unforeseen it is that we're to graciously trust God with our immortality but not with our temporary, things seen temporal. things not seen eternal. Just suppose by God measuring our faith it is there He then decides out fate? He alone is God people, He Alone! There is one blessed foundation laid by Him by which to commune and reign with Him, with God, lead us to the Rock that is higher than us, get us to Jesus.
     -Herein, there haven't been a generation of man on this planet where Elohim haven't proved Himself God our Savior to Righteous Judgment, let everything on this planet that hath breath praise his holy name, now "get ye to repent altars, is the latest from Holy Spirits, God is avenging martyred blood," and believe Sia Maaseiah you all, if the righteous with all parents being commanded to be killed are scarcely saved, indeed, where shall the ungodly to unrighteous appear, (how will they ever stand, survive. without Jesus?) Why speak in parables, for they say the lord seeth us not, the lord is ascended from the earth, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM...