Monday, July 31, 2017


     -The Words Judgement Now, Twice This Warning, to a blinking light of Caution, Now Is The Day Of Salvation!

Prophecy Link

     -Ain't No Mountain High Enough, 07/31/2017

     -There's something about the lyrics no winter's cold, can stop me from getting to you. That when I research it, I was lead to Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye song, "ain't no mountain high enough, to keep me from getting to you babe.  Miraculously says the Bridegroom to the Bride, as so says the Bride to the Bridegroom.
     -So why these particular lyrics? Surely to reassure all those awaiting a spring rapture that the God who promised into prophecies is fateful and trustworthy, so much so, Jesus of Resurrection is here, that when the last Trump sounds, both for the Bride and America's exodus we're out of here, we're gone to Marriage Supper.,

     -As The Days Of Noah, Sodom And Moses Into The Prophets Of Old

     -Being as a Noah, An Abraham, even a Lot visited upon and warn by Angels themselves, Gabriel being one of them. Being, knowing, warning as the great prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, as Apostle John's testament of God's Revelations. When the worse that can happen, happen, if there is one among you who can say Maaseiah, (the church Bride), Momma, grandmar, sister, aunt, friend or foe didn't tell me this. Didn't warn me, please call me right now, as in right now so I can tell you;  just as so you can email me, 'Tell me,' here, or send a message by facebook here,

     -Are you READYYYY, Ready FOR THE BIG RIDE BABYYYY? The first I heard screaming in my ears about 5:15 am, as I open my eyes this morning of 07/31/2017. Though it's my oldest son breaking out in chorus, It's Nicholas Cage from Knowing, Left Behind, here as Castor Troy, The Movie Face Off, (see America and N. Korea in a faceoff of nuclear war right now!). How many negatives here, just as Jesus show Himself closer to removing the Bride than before His Own Ascension? Surely this single positive.
    -The four winds of cataclysmic mayhem Rev. 7, held back for now, will after the Bride is taken be released upon earth's inhabitants. Only for as long as She's here such wrath of God is limited about what it can do, but once that hindrance (II Thess. 2:7-10), is no more, instant death to Soul tolls will be in the Millions, got Him, Got Jesus yet? The more I realize how dangerous to glorious all things bringing anywhere from harsh to blessed realities to light. Apparently, the more comprehensive is the dream, the demonstration of rapture's ETE, of September along an American Southeastern evacuation into exodus, the night of June 26th, 2015, then pending now mightily unto fulfillment,  the Bride already evacuating, awake, Apb, the RAM, see here,


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