Sunday, July 30, 2017

Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come

Prophecy Link -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb -They're All Coming, see here, or read here, -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, (Dan. 2), whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also -Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come -Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen! and -Just before the towers of New York went down, about three years earlier, I was in three nights of dreaming whereas I witnessed wars on US soil, whereas one of these enemies was Arab, until immediately I thought Saddam. Just as so another wasn't just an enemy, but an Asian invasion on US soil, and the last dream, like the one I witness only days ago, the word "Horrible," just plucked out of the work. This instead was the announcement of the word "Epidemic! Do not believe your leaders when they tell you anything other than God's judgment is upon America, I even come to the conclusion recently that perhaps tens of millions of Americans, this slow motion exodus are predestined to die suddenly until thy get this escape thing right. Ideally, as the prophets of old witnessed by grace, spiritual gifts what was to come upon their sinful nations and leaders despite what a wonderful light the people might see such leadership in. -I've seen the end of America, I told you God Himself, came to me, like a Father Abraham, even like father Noah, even that He spoke to me lately. Not unusual doing a visitation to heaven, further, doing an intermission of celebrations there, possibly the silence in heaven both John and I suffered, (Rev. 8:1), it was here he spoke to me like a deliverer Moses, this sunlight of God, moving from behind a mountain which spoke, "let my people go," this was prior to the ten plague of Egypt. Just before God's Anointed being safeguarded from a bringer of death (now God's Wine Press), behind a Lamb's Blood of Life (now the great gathering of Saints), Jesus as Holy Spirits and Heavenly signs right before his own ascension has shown Himself here, monitoring this second by second countdown, that at the blink of an eye we're out, awake, repent, escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM.

 Prophecy Link

    -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb

     -They're All Coming, see here, or read here,
     -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, (Dan. 2), whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also

     -Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come

     -Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen! and

     -This end time Apostle has one question, why isn't this article topping the list and topping the list and yes and topping the list? Trump has already shown us where his heart is, that when Jesus said all gone before you are thieves and robbers he was referencing America to Western Leaders. That's by declaring a more abominable in God's eyes America since the days of Noah, the destruction of Sodom and the overthrown of Nimrod's temple declaring as the Apostle Paul forewarn of end time leaders. How it is right before the great gathering of saints and the Antichrist reveal two of the greatest troubles this planet ever, or ever again, just this beginning to the end.
     -Make yourself aware, those declaring America peace and safety. obviously when sudden destruction like travail upon woman with child is the judgment upon any such deception. Now if you care anything about America's President, tell him, God is right NOW, as in right NOW judging martyred blood, America found guilty, 2001-2017, that in 190 months until a deletion instantly of 190 years, herein all are to get to repentant altars, said cataclysms like men tug of nuclear wars has no respect to person, awake, Apb, The RAM, see here

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