Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Darkness, Ten Mind Blowing Things

-Remember, don't be deceived, the first strike I saw, 2005, was cried of Guam hitting cities, not vice versa, though regardless of this report, something you all know. There is an Asian invasion, among many others earth ending disasters pending US soil, sending them into an American Exodus of a slow motion exit seen these 31 springs. Of which Americans or should I say Trumpians just won't have, even if to save tens of millions of lives, Trump's a Truexit, The Brides and America's, Escape! Apb (Take special heed, this is the same God, who took an embattled by Bush's war on the axis of evil, Hussein, and as predicted 2003, Apb, made him, Bush's, America's to Western Rule President for two weeks and seven years exactly, then I heard in my ears, 07/2008-06/26/2015, "it's all about Cameron," (then meaning Cameron's now Brexit), beware, Apb Escape! "I don't want to know when I'm gonna die, even when I'll lose my immortal soul, but God knows, and want you to know as well! Prophecy Link -Seen to open my eyes, to nothing but blackness, nothing to see, hear, feel, eat or drink but this blank blackness, and just as soon as I realized, this as a fulfillment. I admit, I started to cry out to God plenty, that I wasn't ready! Please God, I'm not ready, I'm just not ready, I hadn't prepared like I ought, I'm not ready! Which just as I admit remind me of the recent cry in my ear lately, Nicolas Cage, his movie Faceoff and My eldest son loving to mock him. That as soon as my eyes open, only a couple weeks past, I heard the cry, "are you readyyyyy, ready for the big ride, babyyyy, it's a parody not only about the faceoff of nuclear war Trump and Jong Un are in, but the sudden snatching out of the Bride, once crying, I'm not ready; just as so remember, doing the moving to Georgia dream 06/26/2015, (the Bride to West end), now come for me, 06/26/2017, (the Bride to West end), a Caden/Cameron type asked, just what his mother asked me, just prior to relocation, Are you ready? Decide! ....Darkness is Come! Ten Mind Blowing Things, An End As The Days Of Prophet Ezekiel, Is Come http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/08/ten-weird-mind-boggling-facts-about-the-aug-21st-event-that-you-need-to-know-michael-snyder-3543406.html also here, https://www.infowars.com/black-sky-event-feds-preparing-for-widespread-power-outages-across-u-s/ also here, http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/10-very-strange-facts-about-the-august-21-solar-eclipse-that-will-absolutely-blow-your-mind Who want to hear what I just learn about the eclipse I just learn is to impact more so the areas by a dream two years ago to the exact date and month Holy Spirits just evacuated me from? Well more like a timely relocation. Though not only so, but even more curious, this phenomenon is staged to happen right along the beginning of a school year 2017, that's commanded to be finished, just as all parents are commanded to be killed. -Sincerely, I was channel surfing just now, come upon a weather news broadcast, clicked on it just in time, just as this meteorologist start talking about this August 21 eclipse, it's trajectory and what route, ...Apb, see what's most important, here, http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/08/i-was-channel-surfing-just-now-come.html


"I don't want to know when I'm gonna die, even when I'll lose my immortal soul, but God knows, and want you to know as well!

Prophecy Link

Seen to open my eyes, to nothing but blackness, nothing to see, hear, feel, eat or drink but this blank blackness, and just as soon as I realized, this as a fulfillment. I admit, I started to cry out to God plenty, that I wasn't ready! Please God, I'm not ready, I'm just not ready, I hadn't prepared like I ought. Which just as I admit remind me of the recent cry in my ear lately, Nicolas Cage, his movie Faceoff and My eldest son loving to mock him. That as soon as my eyes open, only a couple weeks past, I heard the cry, "are you readyyyyy, ready for the big ride, babyyyy, it's a parody not only about the faceoff of nuclear war Trump and Jong Un are in, but the suddenly snatching out of the Bride, once crying, I'm not ready; just as so remember, doing the moving to Georgia dream 2015, now come for me, 2017, a Caden/Cameron type asked, Are you ready?

....Darkness is Come!

"Who want to hear what I just learn about the eclipse I just learn is to impact more so the areas by a dream two years ago to the exact date and month Holy Spirit just evacuated me from. Well more like a timely relocation? Though not only so, but even more curious, this phenomenon is staged to happen right along the beginning of a school year 2017, that's commanded to be finished.
-"sincerely, I was channel surfing just now, come upon a weather news broadcast, clicked on it just in time, just as this meteorologist start talking about this August 21 eclipse, it's trajectory and what route, ...Apb, see what's most important, here, http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/08/i-was-channel-surfing-just-now-come.html

Sunday, August 13, 2017

When the Angel Gabriel 2004 appeared, to warn us we were the final of civilization generation, that the age of evil that's been predicted since the fall of the first Adam is rising to power, This revelation of truth is why I witnessed two beast rise, one from land and on from sea, just as Hussein Obama campaigned for the presidency. Just as it was doing the end of Clinton administration into the beginning of Bush's being declared "one error/era into a new fearfactor (pretty much the tug of nuclear war right now). I was shown a manner of America's hand writing on the wall dating back to the fall of King Belshazzar, King Nebuchadnezzar's grandson over the power of the Medes and Persians. Understand, doing the dream whereas I witnessed a build up of torture vehicles, I witness a US general explain to his men and I quote, "don't be alarm, Mede, (hear representing a demonic territorial spirit, a Prince of Mede, "is very dirty, " as in evil.  When you invest the scripture whereas America's hand writing on the wall was prophetically alluded to, it's the days of the prophet Jeremiah, the same one doing another dream of a US general who is handing his (war), horse off to a US general citing no contest with biblical prophecy. The Prophecy Jeremiah is suffering great the prosecution of this King and his corrupt panel as he does everything including enduring the worse of their torture to bring the truth, only when he does, said scroll, even re-written as God commanded but you had to undestand God was warning King Zechriah, that he and his fellow men, nation had fallen into the hands of the enemies and resist was not only freutal it would be lethal for him and his people and worse of all, those depentant allies, ( a China, Russia hanging on the fence right now, even a United weren't coming to the rescue, it simply didn't matter, if they stayed still and did nothing, invasion was coming, if they fought to death, causing unnecessary death to soul tolls they were still looking at invasion, only presently for America, and why the Holy Spirit has been showing a nation wide evacuation, I apostle warn should've been staged among American's instead of another presidential election, going into exodus, will spare tens of millions, again Holy Spirit new this which is why for last several decades I've seen as many evacations as I've seen demonstration of Rapture, one involved what only could be described as a slow motion exodus only the more to fuel god's anger, commanded reapers, this hurry them along to be sent into them, just as so another, zi woke up in what could only be described as the entire nation or Western ryule as a whole, nw staged as this limit maze crafted along one corruption to abomination after another, until this one in particular, whereas I witnessed for two night straight, these trans gender restroom brawl deemed as traps for the children and soon the cry, not only that all parents die, but all schools be finished. Just as so doing this maze of an apocalypse that's come, I soon find myself though patiently, again a parody of their procrastination all the more this curse, all the more this micro judgments, soon I'm in a line of millions upon millions now stranded this single water cooler, remember for years now I been made to see persons traveling only by bikes, some even three to bike, indicating a desolated economy, meaning Obama administration, for two consecutive years where a test, now bringing the slave market full circle, this mightiest of men, of world rule, super powers yet for all minorities to immigrants ever made to feel unfair ot left out, which explains why from the beginning this little test was forthwith given what was left of the despensation of grace time table, imagine the God's Throne, Christ the anointed, the twentyfour elders dominions and powers all plotting and blindsighted for no reason these thousands of years of outreaching God's Righteousness, two thousands spent outreaching Christ's Cross, and they yet don't get, that they've been made vicitim of their own rebellion now their curse of all curse, still God's grace lament aloud it's final mercy, and I repeat, "get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood," though this cry really distrubed some, cauing them to out angrily, others, they just counted it as mundain as the hour, but no, this particuilar, of HOly Spirit sighting specifically, that God isn't just avenging blood, but martyred blood, mean we've entered the fulfillment of the 5th seal of Revelation, and explains, why Holy Spirits sending me text like messages, that Jesus is on this way here, totally and completely conincided with those 21 Coptic, Egyptian Christians being lead onto a beach and beheaded for their witness to worship of Jesus, You see this cry, is just another marker, we, mankind's kingdoms of Gabriel's mentioning a seventh angel, all that is men, these thousands of years is at an end, thus the witness now doing Trump's Campaign, of seeing instsead not only the glorious ascension of Jesus' Millennium, not only the Antichrist in great prowess, not only the same fury Elohim god cut at Gog and Magog was now being directed a Trump/Pence ticket, I was now witnessing the Bride, reigning in heaven, having in her possession, the stone cut out without hands, I further saw that it had the surface of a meteor and when it was released, I heard a cry, and I quote, "this is the Antichrist murderer, if you listen closely you hear Jesus lament from the Cross, it is finished, your labor is done. Meaning all of mankind's turf wars,
we're right back to king Nebuchadnezzar's dream that terrified him tremendously, just as what the Angel Gabriel, once appearing to Daniel about these same end time events, once appearing to a teenage pending mother Mary, about her blessed womb, no other Angel appearing can be more important of unbelievers crying perhaps if an Angel from haven, thus what he said should've shook all nation builders to its core right into the two of too many military dreams I've shared plenty, that should've caused 100 of millions to evacuate a decade before now, that this shift certain scientist have been measuring and warning, would have at it's fruition the many millions suddenly getting so climatically southeast into exodus, everything you treasure as America that can't be tossed across your back with it had been set for demolition and every master disaster that can perform an extinction event beginning America's western border and spreading through the entire sub conference of  the entire country, which then explains the most horrid of my horrifying dreams what Holy Spirit reassured Apostle of a triple threat designed and set against US soil and like the days of the prophets prophesying these pending fall out, down of nations only to come it's witnessed, not only taking part in a census taking that was made out of the lamb's book of life being open, made a very specific roll call, do you all know how far into biblical fulfillment the Bride has to be the point of Apostle John, doing the Revelations of God, witnessing the Lamb's book of life being open and soon declaring, whosoever name isn't written therein shall be cast into a lake of fire. I will end this post to comment with the one vision this reminder, I looked into a dream, a month or so pass, and I'm watching as one is playing a word puzzle, and the word now is being moved around, moved around until it come to rest aside another word, Judgment, until the warning is Judgment now, a few days latter I witnessed the word Horrible as it'd been plucked right out of the work, and still a day later also, again the word now, only was being dawn with beautiful lights of caution and still another word, "DECIDE!" All such words recently ending with the words Revelation, and just soon the words Revelation 12 Sign, and here just a night or so past, again the word Judgment, come to think of it, just last night, there was something about August 29th, It is since before the days of the earliest Prophet Samuel, sin now separting his heavenly father from his creation it is by the gifts of prophecy, and the written word, these psalms, proverbs, allegories, parables and now presently prophetic parables, its is by the word made flesh and sending His Holy Spirit among us God is to keep his promised, that his creation iwll not be left ignorant, thus the sunlight of God 2016, commanding from behind a mountain God's throne, "let my people go," further this as surety, we're looking at another migration into a complete exodus of all area's of western civilization, Clinton to Bush a prelude to it's end, Obama a prequel, two weeks and sevens year worth, and Trump, as Cameron's is a Brexit, to Trump's Truexit, both the Brides and America's, he should be planning our escape, not you massive deaths. For the great day of HIS wrath is come US soil, even from beneath the ground where preppers prep and not one tittle of making Western rule will be left standing, on to the final week of Daniel, for when the seventh angel sound, of what Gabriel mention, all nation building will be finished, making world leaders yet standing all the more angry, get out while you still can, and sincerely, may God bless your exodus, Christ's or America's, DECIDE!.

Bush the prelude, on error, Obama, the one, two weeks seven years, Trump, 50 mil to die, Truexit into exodus fury

thebride in heaven gabriel, death toll, antichristin great prowess,

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Revelation 12 Sign, Jesus Is Here!

-And I heard In My Hearing, Revelation, Whereas I Heard Further In My Hearing, Revelation 12 Sign and Yet Further I Heard, Judgment Now! Beware, Apb -I wrote in response to Military analyst even strategist who foolishly and disastrously don't foreseen any impact Us soil, which at this stage of bible prophecy is just ridiculous: Apb, Comment: I find military analyst war strategy a little lopsided as America's leaders, I haven't heard one that presents one that involves US soil. They're sadly, sadly mistaking, thinking this is like the days of the Cuban Missile crisis or those twin Asian cities, this war will cause millions of deaths on US soil. Let Apostle be clear, any war right now, involving the US will leave millions in death and soul tolls US soil and I've seen it too many times to count. So when these military analyst get real about this sizable outbreak of mortuary Us soil , then your national to local leaders can get serious about warning you, all of you! Flee from her, from western rule as though there is not the next hour left and you know it, see Eze. 5, Mat. 24, Rev. 18, and may God bless your exodus, Apb, The RAM! -I further choose this video, as it present more likely the war to military scenario I've been seeing these 31 springs of Elohim's promise, like the days of Noah, to Sodom to the fulfillment of John's testament of Revelation 18, to simply bring America. As in western rule to an end by dangerously again, judging her according to it's measure of weighty blood guiltiness, until 190 months, by a subtraction of 190 years, again instantly. I been ministering an Asian invasion that is come US soil, since the night of dreaming such things, nearly twenty years ago and what I can tell you is some Asian power, Korea, Japan, China did bring troops of aggression here and fulfilled the additional warning concerning my grandchildren 2011, of growing up in an occupied, (possibly Sharia Law), territory that's America. Thus are Holy Spirits to Apostle mightily with concern seeing this abrupt outbreak of nuclear war, completely overshadowing Trump's god complex is pending, just as an ELE event, again, US soil. -I feel I must tell you, Holy Spirits as by a moving us to Georgia dream 06/26/2015, (God's Trump into America's Truexit), and now two years to this day and month and by the removal of certain loved ones into ascension, has moved me Southeast to either an escape to an exodus from great cataclysms. Great sorrows that will target the western seaboard into the mid-south, this is possibly why America now has two predictions, one prophetic and one scientific of a an approaching either military to natural event that will instantly cause 20 million people their lives. -I admit, possibly the extinction level event I saw, that ended instantly 190 years of modern technology, not only designed to target all parents.Though it is with purpose as to forestall this human genocide, sexual perversion, all forms of institutions involving children are to be finished, instantly. Apostle encourage you all to read and understand Revelation 18, I believe Apostle John is being given a grand panorama regarding the fall of this end time Mystery Babylon, that is the great whore, beginning with America's destruction and ending as Gog and Magog is finished, beware and may God bless your exodus, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.ezekiel586bc1986ad.blogspot.com
      -The earth, even the blood stand destroyed by man global warming, el Nino's or ISIS or not.  God is right now coming for it's destroyers as to set His Christ in power for the next thousand years, then His Kingdom Reign without end.
    -Urgent, love Apostle or hate her, will you all please stop making the most powerful man, Superpower this earth look completely powerless and helpless, please. I know Trump just promised  America  peace and safety indefinitely and as prophesied is now leading them into a nuclear to world war.
     -So stop making him seem incapable of making his own decisions, stop trying to justify voting for him, Trump's cabinet came in just as the Anti-christ's, meaning America's Civilization is ending, timing is everything. Honestly, if Trump is unable to serve his post as President and take responsibility for his own actions he need to resign, right, Right? Apb, flee
 from her like there's nothing left, may God bless your exodus, Amen.

-And I Heard In My Hearing, Concerning A Cry That Trump Make America Great Again, and I Quote, "Yours, (America's, Western Rule), Is A Nuclear Fate," -The earth, even the blood stand destroyed by man global warming, el Nino's, ISIS or same sex marriage or not. God is right now coming for it's destroyers as to set His Christ in power for the next thousand years, then His Kingdom Reign without end. -Urgent, love Apostle or hate her, will you all please stop making the most powerful man, Superpower this earth look completely powerless and helpless, please. I know Trump just promised America peace and safety indefinitely and as prophesied is now leading them into a nuclear to world war. -So stop making him seem incapable of making his own decisions, stop trying to justify voting for him, Trump's cabinet came in just as the Antichrist's, meaning America's Civilization is ended, timing is everything. Honestly, if Trump is unable to serve his post as President and take responsibility for his own actions he need to resign, right, Right? Apb, flee from her like there's nothing left but worthless treasures as predicted of her, 1998, Apb, see Eze. 4-7 chapters, may God bless your exodus, Amen.

Fifty Million Will Die!

     Video... "A Dictatorship In The Shadows," Video, I, Apostle couldn't have said it better myself, though Trump showed himself a dangerous man. Certainly the emphasis being on, showed HIMSELF a dangerous man when he declared America safe indefinitely. I mean you could virtually hear Jong Un's missiles impacting US soil this fulfillment of an Asian invasion 1998, even that such foolishness is met with sudden destruction, I Thess. 5:3, millions dead, injured or missing, let no man, nor President deceive you, beware! Apb

Video, WW3 Has Just Begun, Video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f32tgEpKPMs, (see here, www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com), Apb

Prophecy Link

-And I Heard in my hearing a cry in my ear, just as my eyes open, "Are You Readyyy, Ready For The Big Ride Babyyyy!, 07/31/2017 (It's Nicholas cage character, Castor Troy, The Movie face Off, certainly this parody right now of what's truly going on between Trump and Jong Un. Of america being warn on having a nuclear fate, whose Trump is a Truexit and Jong Un's out break of Missiles tests, taunting relentlessly US soil, beware, be very aware
Prophecy Links

-And I Heard In My Hearing: "Your is a nuclear fate, get ye to repentant alters, God is avenging Martyred Blood," beware, Apb,
-And I Heard In My Hearing 2002, per 4 continents to countries (Asia, America,Japan and Russia in a block, "fifty million will die, and I heard in my hearing, 2017, just before Trump's Inauguration, "fifty million will die!" Apb
-And I Heard In My Hearing, 2005, "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it," (let no man deceive you). Jesus, Apb

-In this dream of 03/27/2009, I witness how myriads in the country were sitting anxiously in front of their TV sets awaiting and anticipating good to horrible news. I imagined it was like a scene similar to the Cuban Missile crisis and the entire country, make that the world nervously anticipating a war between America and Russia.
-Although just as soon as the worse news broke I saw readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives of stampeding Americans. I saw those slacking behind were come upon by a death angel in the land who laid them back as to jam a sharp, sword-like syringe into their chest, their heart. I saw after this deadly execution how Americans end up as nothing more than a brown, magnetic manner of memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, beware, Apb, see www.thephoenix1020.blogspot.com

Thursday, August 10, 2017

When The Angel Gabriel, Once Appearing To Prophet Daniel and Mother Mary, Speak, Listen, Again I Say, Listen!

-Beware Of Any Prediction of Guam, 2005, Apb, WW3 into Armageddon, Again Apostle Said, Beware! -Article... N.Korea says considering strike on Guam after Trump warns of 'fire and fury' article...http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/nkorea-says-seriously-considering-plan-to-strike-guam-kcna/ar-AApJPYg,so holy spirit prophesied this would happen how many years past? Whereas in my parable, really spontaneous, the yellowstone Caldera just begun to erupt, got Him, got Jesus yet. Prophecy Link -And I Heard in my hearing, "Its a hit, Cities hit, Guam just did it," this is a military strike yet to happen, that's been in my prophecies at least ten years now. All of which seen to be coming to past, as is warn this article. I want you to deeply reconsider, Revelation 17, as well as the days of Moses and Pharaoh, when Holy Scripture describes God suggesting putting it in men's hearts, (The heartening of Moses' Pharaoh, King Zechariah, King Nebuchadnezzar even King Saul, just naming a few), to turn over control of their power to the Antichrist. awake, Apb, The RAM, see blog here, http://escapingones2017.blogspot.com/2017/08/article_8.html -What Will Happen September 23-25, Will Jesus Be Angry At Us, Like At The Religious Leaders For Not Knowing He Is Come? www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

-Most bible scholars say despite the passage of some two thousand years since Christ Cross, and some 13 to 15 hundred years since most prophets to now end times prophecies that there's at least 80 percent of bible prophecy that haven't been fulfilled. Although with God having made a promise not only to this end time Apostle, (Ps. 37:1-6), but to the prophets of old, (Rev. 10), to Jesus the very spirit of prophecy and the Holy Apostle to Prophets of His, of Jesus, that not one word written nor spoken prophecy will go unfulfilled. What this mean is, when the angel Gabriel appeared 2004, this our present time line, this millennium that will soon be of Jesus' world governmental rule.
-Anxiously, not only was Angel Gabriel warning how all these things were unto fulfillment, he was also referencing how 80 percent of biblical prophesy would come into fruition on such a short matter of time, even explaining the last two days of receiving as words, “Revelation,” and just a day later, chanted right into my ear, “Revelation 12, Sign,” see more here, Remember Jesus said this, whereas that generation we begin to see all these things fulfilled is the generation that won't past away until all is as the Angel Gabriel warn, fulfilled. -Until you hear this, get it and receive it, you will be one of those ever mystified not only right into the grave, but a judgment and a lake of fire await those who're thousands of years of fore and forth-telling without an excuse. So mightily beware when Elohim God explains to the prophet Ezekiel inquiring then why send me, that's if the people can't see, hear nor receive me? Equally Jesus explicating why he speak in parables as don't be alarmed, these people being blind, deaf and dumb can't hear me irregardless of how or what I speak. Certainly, gladly, God's answer is that still, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear they'll know a Prophet of God is among them. -Those of the Christ Himself, of Holy Apostles of Christ, even sending the Holy Spirit into them, leaving those determined not to leave none ignorant is among them. Beware, this isn't simply because of God's generosity that's boundless for ages and ages, beware, God will use such recorded, merited favor to measure every man by what they heard and did or not adhere to, thus revelation cries, blessed are the hearers and doers of this work, because the end is at hand. Again, Apostle say, beware. As to prove this point so divinely, when Holy Spirit limitless with men reconciliation, were all the more shown as to come after Apostle, the Trump both the Brides escape and America's exodus, upon their arrival, a type of Cameron inquiring “are you ready,” I was sitting at my desk as now hoping to say something to persuade even the hardest of men, a Roman, Western Civilization., read this entire blog, here, if there are portions blocked, I told you blogger.com has resigned to doing that. -Unknowingly distracted religious to political issues, said end of days for America into this present world, beginning in our era with the two weeks and seven year timetable Obama's and passing to a come Brexit that is P. M. Cameron, again whose name was mention the last of demonstrating blessed escapes. I need to ask a question here, if Americans had known they had all but five and a Trump pending presidential administrations left would they have spent these last sixteen into a pending 17th years all tangled into an epidemic of battling and supervising into the trillions inedible turf wars? Although you can yet hear a cry, just as Bush wars march on Hussein and I quote Holy Spirit lamenting, "one error/era into a new fear factor,” and the next thing we knew Hussein that was reportedly an axis of evil was now Bush and America's President. -Unthinkably with mouth gaping awe, doing it's last two presidential and a pending Trump administrations. Oddly enough for the entire world, a once overthrown Hussein remarkably is it's reigning superpower, I know, how strange for all of us, so never underestimate the politics of bible prophecy. Ridiculously, now that Trump has declared America safe indefinitely, as though he himself is god, do you really yet stab a gander at what God's targeted fury toward a Trump/Pence ticket was all about, what else? These thieves and robbers, Christ Cross described of them from the beginning, building all the better, even in His Name, these mountainous death to soul tolls, yours. -It is not only that Western Civilization is over, and done but no longer this delay, hence the witness of seeing Jesus Millennium descending per Hussein's depleted Us Presidency, is said time out for the West immediately passing right now into the final week of Daniel. Come to think of it, its cleverness, is to explain why the same dream I had doing Obama's campaign of the Antichrist in great prowess, began once again. This was just before Trump took office, sadly meaning for most nothing has changed, this man's, this Trump election, bible prophecy charges on, hallelujah again I say. -Understand, this week alone I've received two words bearing the description Revelation. Though recently I been telling you if when the Holy Spirit get ye to repentant altars by forewarning you God is avenging martyred blood, we're at the point of revelation reveals where a world of rebellious as right this very second are running and escaping to all manner of divine hiding places of covers because the end by cataclysms unimaginable as predicted is come, and they're right now crying, and I quote these recordings from two thousands years ago, “for the great day of God's wrath is come,” now with Holy Lords chanting, “get ye to repentant altars, to exodus and believe Apostle I've seen the reapers commanded to target those who don't acknowledge America this exodus,,.. DECIDE! That's repent, escape or perish! -As well is the question, while being in celebrations in heaven, all brought into a screeching halt, no doubt Johns and my once detected silence there, whereas a holy one approached and without further this delay I'm standing before what can only be described as a mountain in heaven from which a brightness like the sunlight of god merges and cries, let my people? Of course God's creation, HIS People, let them loose from the great whore of religion presently Trump's administration allied by a demon beast, (a projected revised EU of the antichrist cabinet), all sitting on many waters, that aren't waters but all people this planet once Nimrod's scattered abroad Babel now this light that is dark of a satanic to demonic trap, Mystery Babel, (Babylon America). -Evidently with purpose this wake up call, as to present America a predatory lender of borrowed, even wind to dust treasures. Brilliantly, yet disastrously crept into humankind's everyday living as these pleasured ends that won't meet yet they're so thankful for the struggle of achieving the American Dream. Just as so, crept in also as this thief that is not, but has He, this genius Bridegroom, meticulously removed the Bride from them, meaning what seem like Elohim's abandonment, there's even the mystery of Ezekiel's witness of a Cherubim, God's exiting the temple glory, having a man's hand under his wings. It would appear, Elohim's long suffering was of the times, times and a half granted by the man in linen, Daniel's testament. -Why weepiest thou, God's Revelation laments, as there's a made to feel so helpless Apostle John that is crying, even a Mary Magdalene all pending Christ's Cross. Unmistakably, without Jesus as Lord, every man is doomed to damnation this expert mystery, now human kind's costliest of distraction. Biblically evident, since the serpent, Eden's garden lead these innocents away other than God's direct instruction this age of disobedience, (rebellion). Directly into this six thousand years later dwindling down dispensation of grace, of a Church Age, Of Jesus having the Brides hand under His healing wings, crying aloud it's last of the last fore warnings, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging the martyred blood of the Saints crying beneath His Throne and if the righteous scarcely be saved, who shall be able to stand? That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know for better this come judgment, the Righteous Bride of Jesus Christ is among you, as to pluck Ambers from the burning, Apb, The RAM.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

-Beware Of Any Prediction of Guam, 2005, Apb, WW3 into Armageddon,

-Beware Of Any Prediction of Guam, 2005, Apb, WW3 into Armageddon, Again Apostle Said, Beware! -Article... N.Korea says considering strike on Guam after Trump warns of 'fire and fury' article...http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/nkorea-says-seriously-considering-plan-to-strike-guam-kcna/ar-AApJPYg,so holy spirit prophesied this would happen how many years past? Whereas in my parable, really spontaneous, the yellowstone Caldera just begun to erupt, got Him, got Jesus yet. Prophecy Link -And I Heard in my hearing, "Its a hit, Cities hit, Guam just did it," this is a military strike yet to happen, that's been in my prophecies at least ten years now. All of which seen to be coming to past, as is warn this article. I want you to deeply reconsider, Revelation 17, as well as the days of Moses and Pharaoh, when Holy Scripture describes God suggesting putting it in men's hearts, (The heartening of Moses' Pharaoh, King Zechariah, King Nebuchadnezzar even King Saul, just naming a few), to turn over control of their power to the Antichrist. awake, Apb, The RAM, see blog here, http://escapingones2017.blogspot.com/2017/08/article_8.html What Will Happen September 23-25, Will Jesus Be Angry At Us, Like At The Religious Leaders For Not Knowing He Is Come? www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com -I remember how horrified i was when I heard then, Evangelist/Pastor Farewell, (a pastor deem Trump successful again Jong Un), justly so, before he died, concerning Bush war plan. Horrifying me, grieving Holy Spirits, when this pastor cried out, how our military "need to go over there and kill them all!" His not realizing, even as a man of God, thou shalt not kill, simply prick any of the Genesis man's blood, Elohim's Jesus the only exception, mankind fail and fall and fail. How long have Apostle been sharing with you all a cry in her ear about Guam, about hearing it reported happily across a radio broadcast how Guam is the one doing the attacking? Even longer I been describing just as the days of the September 11th attacks, that involved an Arab enemy, I witnessed something similar, 1998, these three nights of dreaming war on US soil. Only this additional enemy was Asian, as in an Asian Invasion. This is why I was able to predict a Hussein Saddam White house 2003, any goals after peace and safety western soil, your Truexit of a President just ridiculously and disastrously chanted, will be further meet with one cataclysm after another, all of which in various forms are now come, again Us soil. www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com -Said breaking of end time prophecy explains why just as the Holy Spirits revealed the strategy for getting out the Bride, now President Hussein expired timetable into a pending Cameron's Brexit, 06/26/2015, within this plot of getting us all away, was also the plan to get all Americans somewhere safe. Admittedly, as another young lady saw by a dream, all schools nation wide destroyed by a nationwide storm, all schools as has been commanded, 2017, (all parents to be killed, also chanted), except those schools, in a part of Georgia. Fairly for reasons eluding Apostle right now, besides it being a borderline from which to exodus the country entirety, across the deep blue sea. Honestly for some reason, the church age as the days of Moses, it's final act of obedience into faithfulness, that first location into total escape seem to be the state of Georgia; surely it's southern end. Understand, this is why so many apostate leaders like the Pope are showing themselves more and more Antichrist, God is again as the days of Moses commanding total control of His Creation of the Genesis man/marriage. -Concurrently, it's why you guys blogger,com, like Aol.com years past, where I've post for years have begun to block out portions of my work, that to Holy Spirit. Well it's no different than the days of the Prophets, those whose terrified King Zechariah and his panel of illiterates began burning prophetic scrolls being made out from Holy God, to them. Sizing up Trump's administration, running out of excuses, you're beginning to realize, a good Trump, even Alex Jones, are the ones risking everything to get you out of here. Herein these demons beast lately, posing as house pets, a Lion, (end time mystery falling to rule), a Leopard (the end time rise of Prince Demon Beast), and a demon dog, (Religion yet running the nails). For an additional time all seen to come after this one Apostle whose blessed Bridegroom come to it's rescue and you can yet hear the prophet Daniel lamenting the command of the fourth, non-descript (mysterious), beast, with great iron teeth, that it's to rise and get much flesh, thus this roller coaster of a tug of nuclear war right now!. -Miraculously, as is shown of the Dragon getting after the child bearing woman, (Mother Israel into the Church Age Bride), the Revelation 12 sign, as I woke, given as a word of knowledge only a day or so ago. Described as a 7 thousand year old sign, set to reappear this 2017, (Mark 17 and 7, 2003, Apb). Remarkably you guys, as a righteous God is love, it's September 23rd, the very date I was given as a day of God's and the Westerners escape, their Trump to Truexit! Speaking of which, I don't know how much you all pay attention to my prophetic characters, I need you to know just as I get revelation from creating them, I also receive it. Just before these attacks in France lately, they happen this work first, now all of a sudden, doing the work just yesterday, these young escaping to Juttah New Africa, Septennial, the Juttah Aqua, they begun to react unspeakably to a beginning to erupt and blow it's top Yellowstone Caldera. -If you are anywhere near these areas then you are one of the tens of millions I've heart-dissolvingly, the American Dream and now Trump Administration into your own rebellion doing such a number on you, I've resigned to the fact you're predestined to die this way. Understand, not only by prophecy, but by a scientist lately, was this death to soul toll placed at 20 million. Unthinkably, with a predicted by Holy Spirit fifteen years now of 50 million deaths pending of just one of these master disasters, as so, there's a pale horse judgment into both an Islamic to Antichrist reign to follow. I'll simply ask as the Apostle Peter, seeing the end of this world by great masterful infernos; America, this world leader, knowing the end is come, knowing one cataclysm after another has been by God's wrath as the days of the Prophet Ezekiel sent into you, apparently, what manner of repentant altar to American exodus ought you to be? A Sunlight behind a silence in heaven,(AD 92, 1993, Apb), behind a mountain top God's throne, reiterates Apostle John hearing it simply say, "my people, come out from among them!" See Rev. 18, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Beware Of The Prediction Of Guam, Third Word War, Into Armageddon Is Come!

      -Article... N.Korea says considering strike on Guam after Trump warns of 'fire and fury' article...http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/nkorea-says-seriously-considering-plan-to-strike-guam-kcna/ar-AApJPYg,so holy spirit prophesied this would happen how many years past? Whereas in my parable, really spontaneous, the yellowstone Caldera just begun to erupt, got Him, got Jesus yet. 

     -And I Heard in my hearing a cry in my ear, just as my eyes open, "Are You Readyyy, Ready For The Big Ride Babyyyy!, 07/31/2017 (It's Nicholas cage character, Castor Troy, The Movie face Off, certainly this parody right now of what's truly going on between Trump and Jong Un. Of america being warn on having a nuclear fate, whose Trump is a Truexit and Jong Un's out break of Missiles tests, taunting relentlessly US soil.
     Well, are you, ready that is? The Bride to be taken off planet, America and the West to be taken into Armageddon, beginning it's own soil. The soaring into heaven funeral reef, denoting this unforeseen death and soul toll, attached to the handle bars of a paper route. No doubt those bar once greased over as to prevent China and Russia, bear both this date of November 4th. As so, the names of US leaders, this false getting of peace into Armageddon, meaning they're the greatest enemy to mankind, ever, beware, be very aware!
     -And I Heard My Hearing, 07/31/2017, the song, the lyrics, sounding continuously, "no winter cold can stop me babe," (these lyrics are of the song, 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough,' to keep from getting to you, apparently it's blessed assurance, those awaiting a spring rapture, (In Song of Solomon 2:8-10, Spring 1986, Apb), that the God who promised is faithful and trustworthy, Stand! Nothing will prevent Him, nothing, Jesus is here!,

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing a Lion, (Prince of Babylon),  a Leopard (Prince of Grecian), and a dog (demons), posed as family pets, targeting God's anointed, the deadliest formation of living with and sleeping with the enemy on the map, Apb...

     What Will Happen September 23rd, Will Jesus Be Angry At.Us, Like At The Religious Leaders, For Not Knowing This?

  -And I Heard in my hearing In, "Its a hit, Cities hit, Guam just did it," this is a military strike yet  to happen, that's been in my prophecies at least ten years, now seen to be coming to past, as is warn this article. I want you to deeply reconsider, Revelation 17, when Holy Scripture describes God suggesting putting it in men's hearts to turn over control of their power to the Antichrist.
    -I Just imagined the game where you take control of someone else's hand and use them to instead strike at themselves and you taunt them by going on and on, 'why you hitting yourself, why you hitting yourself, why you hitting yourself? They, men, seize upon by God's wrath, have lost all control, surrendered instead to end time bible prophecy, repent or perish, he that believeth not is condemned already, said Jesus, awake, Apb, The RAM
-Really? Although unquestionably the Brides Trump is here for His, their Trump, America's acting as though he, himself is God, just declared America safe indefinitely. When just as soon as he did, Apostle Pat tell you, you could hear the Apostle Paul cry, surely sudden destruction like travail upon woman with Child is now upon them and they will not escape!
    -As I've warn, an Asian Invasion, dating back to 1998, is only one of many master disasters laid by Elohim against all Western soil and it is not that Trump the Truexit doesn't know this, it's that he like most powerful leaders are cursed with a god complex, (see Dan. 4), not only his curse, but yours. Beware you guys, I heard a  death toll, both 2002 and 2017, of 50 million, beginning here US soil, with a Scientist predicting lately how a Yellowstone eruption will instantly claim 20 million in the US, a surreal but real prediction, escape, escape, escape! Apb, The RAM, see more here, http://escapingones2017.blogspot.com/2017/08/and-i-heard-in-my-hearing-cry-in-my-ear.html

What Will Happen September 23rd, Will Jesus Be Angry At.Us, Like At The Religious Leaders, For Not Knowing?

-Hello Robert, Apostle Bradford here, after hearing in my ears as I woke this morning (08/08/2017), and I quote, "Revelation 12 Sign," I additionally used your video here, about the September 23 rd Virgo sign, I want to share those comments here, be blessed as always, see you all there, Apb Prophecy Link -The word of knowledge given this morning, 08/08/2017, was s voice lamenting, "Revelation 12 sign," (Hence I will comment from the youtube video, with the question, what will happen, September, 23, 2017? -And I heard In my hearing, 07/31/2017, the lyrics of a song, "no winter cold, can stop me babe," (its' from the song, Aint No Mountain High Enough, to keep me from getting to you, babe. These very specific lyrics are apparently reassurance to all saints anticipating a spring rapture, that the Holy Trinity that promised and prophesied are trustworthy, Stand! Nothing will keep Holy Spirits from delivering you to Abba Father, , nothing! See Song of Solomon, 2:10-14, Apb -What Will Happen September 23rd, Will Jesus Be Angry At.Us, Like At The Religious Leaders, For Not Knowing? www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com -What Will Happen September 23rd 2017? See (https://youtu.be/xn_l2yS6H2o), this is the inquiry I saw as I was doing a music search, youtube.com some months back, 2016. Getting my express attention, yes, not only because this prophecy was everywhere, you see not only would 2015 be remembered as a year Holy Spirits described Jesus as being on His way here. Additionally, as the year I witnessed the Bride now reigning in heaven, readying the specialty stone, (Dan. 2), the year I witnessed the Antichrist in great prowess. -It is the year, again, 2015, a demonstration of rapture, whereas for the first time these 31 springs of seeing all the miraculous form of heaven bound deliverance. It was now doing this escape I witnessed a September, I want to say, as this vision didn't linger, a 25th date, if you ever had doubt we're a foundation, a creature, a people purpose by God, Elohim from the beginning. Continuously His promise how He would never leave us, even the Psalmist crying how if we, Christ's Cross forbid, make our bed in hell, He is even there to comfort us. -I beg you to listen to this minister, one of many and understand what is here being described as the Revelation 12 sign. I, as Apostle have received astonishing dreams, visions and visitations to heaven and heaven visiting me, these 31 springs before I received the Revelation of this Revelation 12 sign. Biblically associated with this reappearing event, this September 23rd sign, dating back to Abraham, marking him the Father of the Jews. Now of course us, an additional appearance of this sign, now every two thousand years, Jesus' birth, just as so glorifying Him, Jesus as the King of the Jews and our King/Savior. -Right now after this same reappearance in the heavens September 23rd 2015 and counting. Marvelously, we're now fastening upon an additional sign that haven't been seen on the earth for seven thousand years, that the Apostle John saw coming some two thousand years ago Jesus ascension. Here referenced in Holy Scripture as the word I received just this morning as "The Revelation 12 sign," which is readying right now to appear, as in right now! Which would be two years this September 23rd sign of 2015 and two thousand years Jesus' ascension into the Brides's alike ascension, I like to say re-establish the Jewish Mother, Israel and thus earth's Righteous Mother. -A new planetary birth in the heavens shown to all men that most Christians think will mark the end of the dispensation of grace/church Age/western rule allotment of time. It is by removing the righteous from Adam's Abel to that of Adam's Anointed at present, by snatching her right out of the Dragon's anxious clutches. I know, I know, that one other thing, this specialty for seven thousand years Virgo sign, will also be a fulfillment of the Intrepid dream timetable; climaxing with cataclysmic doom for all Westerners, of all years ever, this October. 2017. This is a show of God avenging all martyred blood, Western Civilization dating back to the four beasts the prophet Daniel did see rise, recorded his seventh chapter. -Two of these beast which this Apostle saw rise, Obama's pending Administration (2008), and just a few days past as a direct threat to the Bride, both the Lion Beast (Mystery) and the Leopard Beast, (the Revised Grecian Empire). Herein all of this outbreak of biblical fulfillment giving better clarity to the unspeakable allegiance the whole awaiting Christendom has toward this very date. Know this and mark it somewhere, even your heart, as I was experiencing this escape, 06/26/2015, this date, September 23-25th strangely, oddly enough and how miraculously God Is Love, this exit wasn't only about the Bride's Escape, but yours, but the hundreds of millions of Western inheritance being lead also into an escape to exodus. Awake, your salvation, blessed Bridegroom Jesus is come for You, are you ready? Apb, The RAM.

Monday, August 7, 2017

From One Error/Era, A Brexit, A Truexit To Jesus' Millennium, Our God Is Awesome!

Certainly that's because Trump the savior is in office. Question, so all the toxins put into our atmosphere especially these 190  years of Westernized Civilization, being only one of hundreds, haven't caused global warming? Hum, curious. Apb

And I Heard A Voice In My Ear, Decide!

The Word Horrible, Plucked Out! The American Overdose, Bush Designed Vengence, This World's Fear-factor

  -I saw this Epidemic as the end of America, what I actually saw were like already stampeding Americans yet being overcome by heart targeting grim reapers, bearing sword like syringes. The Lord showed me this to protray how ridiculous it is to remain in a country God's wine press is set to destroy and lay to rest and damnation millions
    -Equally those whose very  procastination that will all the more enrage an already furious at them God, thus Revelation question, who shall be able to stand? Even more terrifying, if Holy Spirits are crying, God is avenging martyred blood. Said outcry can mean only one thing, God hears and is right now acting upon the lamenting martyred saints John witness crying for blood vengence under God's throne.
     -It's like Yellowstone has erupted and it is going and everyone are so concern they're sleeping at their TV for breaking news.  Soon the President emerges and get ready, set and the first thing you hear is America is safe, and it's going to stay that way, so Trump is god now, RuN! Soon his nonsense words begin to fade into the news ticker just below him. That surreal one reporting insurmountable death tolls, hundreds of thousands into a million and counting and you're like wondering just what the hell is this man is talking about?
     -It can't be real, it has to be a joke, but outside while your time is showing midday, it's looks like a late Eve, dark, toxic air, people stampeding everywhere. A million and counting into the tens of millions predicted by Jesus' Apostles and Prophets are dead and dying and this man, even if he's a man is instead giving America an all clear signal.
     -Your eyes begin to fill with tears, as you stumble and crawl, bringing your family to your knees. You're so hurt about being so wrong, you beg that you be forgiven, ask God to remember you and yours are flesh, to have mercy on you and yours and get y'all out of there.
     -Now you know exactly how I feel, why my Holy Spirit heart become as melted wax, whenever an American leader, stand before the American people and give them any hope for a future, that is so prophecally, not so. So for those who adamantly refuse to get out of the way, sighting escape is just a waste.
     Well, God not only view this refusal as fear apart from faithfulness. He views it as a form of Idolatry of you not wanting to let abominable America go even if to save your own soul. Apostle tell you though right now Holy Spirits are driving Christains to Americans Southeast this divine escape or exodus. Judging by God's past acts of avenging corruption sown this window, to all of it's doors will close, and this final act of divine
intervention to get you out will be forfeited by many now suffering unimaginably and dying, Awake, repent, escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see here, www.whatifdday2014.blogspit.com

Friday, August 4, 2017

Article... ANALYST: NKOREAN ICBMS LACK EFFECTIVE RE-ENTRY TO DELIVER PAYLOADS, Article... (So does that mean Americans shouldn't be alarmed when they launch them at them? Seem be seeing an Asian invasion on US soil, 1998, one of three Master disasters, beware), Apb

Prophecy Links

And I Heard In My Hearing, 2005,  "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it," (let no man deceive you). Jesus, Apb

     -The Death Rider From Beneath The Earth, The Pale Horse of Christmas Night, Opening The Fourth Seal Death And Hell Released

     -There's this concerning thing about having a prophetic Ministry like the days of Jeremiah, Ezekiel  and Daniel with Moses exodus stirred in. The three prophets before escape who stood a witness to all the disasters they'd forewarn for years and years. One, Jeremiah,  even sat an elevated place and by his written testament, (Lamentations) gave us a broad side view. That's of what happen to a nation, to the world's most blessed cities, if you listen closely, you can hear by the tears spreading down his cheeks, chin, his neck, into his breast, this heart break; "why doeth the city sit do solitary that was once full of people?"
     -John the Revelator testament, the witness of something similar, the cataclysmic fall of Western Civilization, disguised as mystery. Everyday it is  that something Korea, Russia and China, this warring world is threatening. All while God's, by John's testament cries, "and the merchants shall be heard no more at all in thee..Surely the sight 2003, of US shoppers awarded an 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour related to Bush wars. This of further seeing a US General hand his war horse off to the prophet Jeremiah, citing no contest.
     -Now if you're not evacuating, to stampeding to exodus, you've chosen a side which lost earth's battles.As to have such victory cemented in righteousness the moment Jesus Chanted, it is finished. There's no wonder Holy Spirit cried out, "self need to be pound into the dust," millions more would lose their so souls except they die to be born again. Clearly, when there's all of a sudden breaking News of a Yellowstone nation to earth ending eruption where do you want to be?
    - By the freedom of your decision making you will be one of three places. Here horrifyingly suffering this, dead and in hell or instantaneously on your way there; in heaven, or just as so instantaneously on your way there. I know you choose heaven, just know Jesus Himself said the masses awaiting.heaven are not worthy, the heart being more Anti-christ. The Righteousness of God and The American dream does not coexist for many Millennium Religion, Politics and various formats of sexual promiscuity has attempted to genocide the Genesis man/Marriage, only to reap as of right now God pouring out His Wine Press.
     -Howbeit, the reason the Pope is showing himself more antichrist, you see soon, every knee shall bow, every mouth shall confess, no  flesh shall stand, the death to soul toll have been shown to be through the shy, and there is nothing your specialty leaders can do but like all men, die, repent, die ascend, beware, be very aware! So as to end this inquiry by asking this mightily important question, what would God have to do to convince you to move further Southeast into exodus? My Jesus' husband that prophecally moved us Southeast exactly two years to the month and date 06/26/2015.
    -Astonishingly oblivious 06/26/2017 I left for Georgia, only besides my ascended husband, the ill fated loved one who got us here heath declined to life support the same day we found a house. I know, if she ascend, though temporally her funeral will drive other loved ones here. Then I realized, God only chastises those He love, so if you got nothing, as my daughter Ericka would say, dangggg,, that is even more concernng. Beware, Apb, The RAM

Thursday, August 3, 2017

A Dictatorship In The Shadows He Say, Great Wrath Is Come, None To Stand, Repent, Escape!

And I Heard In My Hearing: "Your is a nuclear fate, get ye to repentant alters, God is avenging Martyred Blood," beware, Apb,

     -Video... "A Dictatorship In The Shadows," Video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy-KxwxFvX8&t=182s (I, Apostle couldn't have said it better myself, this statement remind me of the dream of seeing axle grease applied to handle bars. Those having both Russia and China names on them, as this hands off gesture to them. Only now here lately, these same handle bars, now branded western civilization, A November 4th date, seen instead with a funeral reef attached, one soaring right into the sky this mounting death to soul toll on mankind.
     -Though Trump showed himself a dangerous man, certainly the emphasis being on, showed HIMSELF a dangerous man when he declared America safe indefinitely. I mean you could virtually hear Jong Un's missiles impacting US soil this fulfillment of an Asian invasion 1998, even that such foolish cries of peace and safety are met with sudden destruction, I Thess. 5:3, millions dead, injured or missing, let no man, nor President deceive you, beware! ) Apb

     Prophecy Link

     -Seem to seeing as the days of the prophet Ezekiel alike fury come into God's Face regarding Trump, as it did pending the rise of Gog and Magog, see Ezekiel 38:18, Apb

     -Seem to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan singing Armageddon( opera), in the wilderness, the end of western civilization into the final week of Daniel (Dan 9, Rev. 17, 18), on the map, Apb -Let No Pope, President, Politician, Power, Preacher nor Parent, Deceived You www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com,

Prophecy Link

     -Seem to seeing as the days of the prophet Ezekiel alike fury come into God's Face regarding Trump, as it did pending the rise of Gog and Magog, see Ezekiel 38:18, Apb
    -Seem to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan singing Armageddon( opera), in the wilderness, the end of western civilization into the final week of Daniel (Dan 9, Rev. 17, 18), on the map, Apb

     -Let No Pope, President, Politician, Power, Preacher nor Parent, Deceived You

>>>"What did Elohim tell Adam and Eve would happen once their disobedience made them intelligent (carnal)? Never heard it Maddy put that way but they would die, cursing the first Adam and all mankind's blood lineage in all likeness upon a second, a last Adam that none but the repentant could ever approach unto. So it look like the storm posed no threat, right, reduced to a tropical storm, 45 miles per hour winds, we barely felt it, it seem. We do know if God want to carton off Georgia and use it along an appointed time as a safe haven, he is God, he is omnipotent, all power of this earth, into the vast universe obey the one whom Daniel describes as the Ancient Of Days. I just keep thinking about Maasieah's latest, for the Holy spirit to pull out those specific lyrics at the exact time, do you all your know how well he has to know us, even how close they are to us, that we are just as well heaven's host. What Specific lyrics Hanna were those? So you didn't hear, well Cullum told me, I thought you two weren't speaking, we weren't not until he remind me, though there's a game room on board, there's nothing anout what happening here, nor the world ovr that's game and how we Branson need to get with God's program or perish, so does that mean you to marry him? Look, you guys o that later, I want to know what Maaseiah said, she described to the class the other morning, by the way the reveal allow you to screen her classes live. That she woke the other morning singing the lyrics, "no winter cold, can stop me from getting to you, as one sipping and adding a bit more marshmallows to her hot chocolate, where her friends seeing a different Hanna Elizabeth and they didn't like it, especially Branson I see all your faces, I didn't get it either, not until Cullum explained it, it's from the song ain't no mountain high enough to keep me from getting to you, but those specific lyrics you guys, just think about it, they reassure everyone awaiting a spring rapture that the God, the wedding supper who promised is trustworthy.     <<<"Yeah well some of the most evil people on the planet have lived in a paradise on this earth, we know why, because they've killed the world. Thus we know why God is so angry, because they're right now slaughtering His Anointed and will right until Jesus Himself set His Feet upon the mount of Olivet, His last and final battle with them, this Armageddon, destroying them with the brightness of His coming. Then no wonder doing the death rider vision, this cataclysmic show of God's wrath coming after them, crying aloud I will laugh when your fear cometh thus they told Maaseiah first not to fret Herself, rather trust, delight and commit, and I, and I will. This is Elohim God Himself talking to her, "and I will bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgment, that's predictions you guys as the noon day, " it's so perfect. It's Psalm 37, quoting God, speaking to King David, the extraordinary reminder yet again, that He alone is God and is right now, as in you guys, right now come for all the rebellious yet occupying this planet. Ah Hanna, the rebellious? The unrepentant into the disobedient and unbelievers, you see first Worth, Maaseiah says upon birth there's like four stages of sin into the point of little return, that strait path, gate, Jesus said few would find. There's like unbelief, to disobedience, to rebellion to unrepentance, which is why lately the cries of God went from kill all parents by, finish all schools into get to repentant alters. Even that God is avenging martyred blood and all inhabitants born the planet are guilty, right into Judgment now, the word horrible being plucked out, and here lately the word decide. Okay schools? Why schools? Are you serious, why all parents? No, no, no you guys, I freaked, I was in the kitchen preparing lunch while the commy was screening videos, this young lady come on and she's talking about a dream she had about a nationwide storm. A you guys nationwide storm and that is when she got my direct attention, that Holy Spirits just prior took her off to a safe location. That once this storm was finished, all schools nationwide were destroyed, just like Maaseiah's prophecy right? All you guys except the location she'd been by Holy Spirits relocated to which was some part of Georgia, wow Law man wow, I know, and you, you calm Heir man. The death render send into Egypt was to target all first born's, all, except they couldn't touch the ones like us, like all saints this earth. Those who'd been marked again like us, by this very specific Lamb's blood, we die, well death doesn't keep us from ascension, remember?. So that dream not only verifies the purpose why right now Maaseiah is driving an evacuation of all persons into the extreme southeast, even like us, into exodus. Though it is as well the cry she heard that all schools seen as transgender traps for children be finished. Even if Bran that's true, how do you then justify her lately defending the transgender military? Maaseiah as a servant of God was defending them as human beings not their lifestyles and pointing out Heir man how now that they have legalized same self marriages. This ridiculous ban is like one time throwing them a lifeline even a safety and snatching it away, to their drowning which seem to be Trump's administration toward the entire world right now. So Maaseiah was just pointing out the terrorist and nuclear enemies primary target, America's hypocrisy now badgering military personnel living very close to the edge already, this suicidal. This is why in her defense, Maaseiah went on to remind us what she did was Jesus, the living word teaching us to be all things to all men, only with the exception of sin, that we may win them to Christ, thus reminding them Jesus is the blessed hope come down from heaven, Jesus alone, get to Him. So Hanna what about Branson's question, yeah did you find your brother, it's brother's Samara, ah, I mean Sam, yes, Gustavus is here and your parents? No, they know, ah what's happening. I even presented the scenario that if
meteorologist were predicting a thousand times Katrina and more western shores. That's master disasters right into parts of Tennessee, like some scientist are doing, would they stay or would they go? And they said until it's the President Himself no, so I got out and my brothers Sam, all three came with me. So if you're doubting for get it, by Maaseiah's prophecies God is right now avenging martyred blood and if the righteous barely escape, those unrighteous don't stand a chance. Yeah like Revelation ask, who shall be able to stand? So like in the days of Trump's presidential campaign, get ye to repentant altars only now keep going right out of anything that is western civilization continuing, according to Maaseiah reapers have been loosed targeting them. To you guys answer you all's question, Cumulus didn't ask me to marry and get into the Septennial forthwith. even this beyond description Aqua Juttah. well, I asked him, okay, I persuaded him and He's here, against all odds I may add. Well, to be sincere we all are, so yes Branson so lovely if he will have me, yes, I plan to marry Cullum (Cumulus). Of course you all my friends have less than two days to make an alike decision, all of which remind me, I got to find him, so as planned, I'll see you guys the pet's stay in about an hour."

Monday, July 31, 2017


     -The Words Judgement Now, Twice This Warning, to a blinking light of Caution, Now Is The Day Of Salvation! https://youtu.be/2s9yDR1wLpM

Prophecy Link

     -Ain't No Mountain High Enough, 07/31/2017

     -There's something about the lyrics no winter's cold, can stop me from getting to you. That when I research it, I was lead to Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye song, "ain't no mountain high enough, to keep me from getting to you babe.  Miraculously says the Bridegroom to the Bride, as so says the Bride to the Bridegroom.
     -So why these particular lyrics? Surely to reassure all those awaiting a spring rapture that the God who promised into prophecies is fateful and trustworthy, so much so, Jesus of Resurrection is here, that when the last Trump sounds, both for the Bride and America's exodus we're out of here, we're gone to Marriage Supper. www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com, www.Invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

     -As The Days Of Noah, Sodom And Moses Into The Prophets Of Old

     -Being as a Noah, An Abraham, even a Lot visited upon and warn by Angels themselves, Gabriel being one of them. Being, knowing, warning as the great prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, as Apostle John's testament of God's Revelations. When the worse that can happen, happen, if there is one among you who can say Maaseiah, (the church Bride), Momma, grandmar, sister, aunt, friend or foe didn't tell me this. Didn't warn me, please call me right now, as in right now so I can tell you;  just as so you can email me, 'Tell me,' here, www.pbradfordm@aol.com or send a message by facebook here, https://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn&sw_fnr_id=723133189&fnr_t=0

     -Are you READYYYY, Ready FOR THE BIG RIDE BABYYYY? The first I heard screaming in my ears about 5:15 am, as I open my eyes this morning of 07/31/2017. Though it's my oldest son breaking out in chorus, It's Nicholas Cage from Knowing, Left Behind, here as Castor Troy, The Movie Face Off, (see America and N. Korea in a faceoff of nuclear war right now!). How many negatives here, just as Jesus show Himself closer to removing the Bride than before His Own Ascension? Surely this single positive.
    -The four winds of cataclysmic mayhem Rev. 7, held back for now, will after the Bride is taken be released upon earth's inhabitants. Only for as long as She's here such wrath of God is limited about what it can do, but once that hindrance (II Thess. 2:7-10), is no more, instant death to Soul tolls will be in the Millions, got Him, Got Jesus yet? The more I realize how dangerous to glorious all things bringing anywhere from harsh to blessed realities to light. Apparently, the more comprehensive is the dream, the demonstration of rapture's ETE, of September along an American Southeastern evacuation into exodus, the night of June 26th, 2015, then pending now mightily unto fulfillment,  the Bride already evacuating, awake, Apb, the RAM, see here, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Seeing Beast Tearing and Chopping At Pulpits/Pews, Peace Getting Porches And Prosperity, Beware!

   Prophecy Link

     -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb

     -They're All Coming, see here, https://youtu.be/h_HffjBYeyQ or read here, http://legendsofthefallapb17.blogspot.com/2017/07/american-11-oclock-shopping-lunch-hour.html

     -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, (Dan. 2), whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/06/repent-into-rapture-httpswww.html

     -Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come
http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/07/america-in-2018-the-beginning-of-the-end-has-begun-salient-videos-jasona-mrdoom-3537585.html  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiwlUp6uVpA

     -Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That's To Happen, Happens!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5hTsSP9BjY and www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com

  -This is true, doing the three nights 1998, of dreaming war on US soil, and America being hand off to it's enemy, it wasn't a Russian Invasion I saw, but an Asian Invasion. When I 2003, by bible prophecy, Rev. 11:1, 2 predicted a Hussein white house, while Saddam was being hunted for persecution and execution, there was no way this was possible, just as an American exodus, again happening right under their noses, isn't possible right now.
     Never ever disregard bible prophecy, Israel, because of a weight of guiltiness of 42 months said judgment will manifest itself in the form of an end time Islamic reign. So right now, despite what Trump is tweeting, Western Rule by the mightiest of unforeseen  cataclysms is depleting accordingly, with parents being commanded to be killed, how schools are to be finished; frightfully you guys right along a death toll 2002, 2017, totaling 50 million.
     This remind me, I looked into a youtube video, this young lady knew nothing about me, nor I her. Only as she begin to finish, she went into one dream about this nation wide storm, that when it was finished, all the schools, (these transgender traps for children, Apb) were all destroyed. All you guys but the one in the dream Holy Spirits escaped her to, which was in Georgia; get as far Southeast into exodus as possible, awake, repent, escape America, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see here,   http://escapingones2017.blogspot.com/2017/07/our-military-must-be-focused-on.html

Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come

Prophecy Link -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb -They're All Coming, see here, https://youtu.be/h_HffjBYeyQ or read here, http://legendsofthefallapb17.blogspot.com/2017/07/american-11-oclock-shopping-lunch-hour.html -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, (Dan. 2), whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/06/repent-into-rapture-httpswww.html http://donothatemarriage15.blogspot.com/2017/07/when-pharaohs-curse-backfires-and-all.html -Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/07/america-in-2018-the-beginning-of-the-end-has-begun-salient-videos-jasona-mrdoom-3537585.html -Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5hTsSP9BjY and www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com -Just before the towers of New York went down, about three years earlier, I was in three nights of dreaming whereas I witnessed wars on US soil, whereas one of these enemies was Arab, until immediately I thought Saddam. Just as so another wasn't just an enemy, but an Asian invasion on US soil, and the last dream, like the one I witness only days ago, the word "Horrible," just plucked out of the work. This instead was the announcement of the word "Epidemic! Do not believe your leaders when they tell you anything other than God's judgment is upon America, I even come to the conclusion recently that perhaps tens of millions of Americans, this slow motion exodus are predestined to die suddenly until thy get this escape thing right. Ideally, as the prophets of old witnessed by grace, spiritual gifts what was to come upon their sinful nations and leaders despite what a wonderful light the people might see such leadership in. -I've seen the end of America, I told you God Himself, came to me, like a Father Abraham, even like father Noah, even that He spoke to me lately. Not unusual doing a visitation to heaven, further, doing an intermission of celebrations there, possibly the silence in heaven both John and I suffered, (Rev. 8:1), it was here he spoke to me like a deliverer Moses, this sunlight of God, moving from behind a mountain which spoke, "let my people go," this was prior to the ten plague of Egypt. Just before God's Anointed being safeguarded from a bringer of death (now God's Wine Press), behind a Lamb's Blood of Life (now the great gathering of Saints), Jesus as Holy Spirits and Heavenly signs right before his own ascension has shown Himself here, monitoring this second by second countdown, that at the blink of an eye we're out, awake, repent, escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM.

 Prophecy Link

    -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb

     -They're All Coming, see here, https://youtu.be/h_HffjBYeyQ or read here, http://legendsofthefallapb17.blogspot.com/2017/07/american-11-oclock-shopping-lunch-hour.html
     -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, (Dan. 2), whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/06/repent-into-rapture-httpswww.html

     -Pray That You Are Found Worthy To Escape All These Troubles Antichrist Come

     -Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5hTsSP9BjY and www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com

     -This end time Apostle has one question, why isn't this article topping the list and topping the list and yes and topping the list? Trump has already shown us where his heart is, that when Jesus said all gone before you are thieves and robbers he was referencing America to Western Leaders. That's by declaring a more abominable in God's eyes America since the days of Noah, the destruction of Sodom and the overthrown of Nimrod's temple declaring as the Apostle Paul forewarn of end time leaders. How it is right before the great gathering of saints and the Antichrist reveal two of the greatest troubles this planet ever, or ever again, just this beginning to the end.
     -Make yourself aware, those declaring America peace and safety. obviously when sudden destruction like travail upon woman with child is the judgment upon any such deception. Now if you care anything about America's President, tell him, God is right NOW, as in right NOW judging martyred blood, America found guilty, 2001-2017, that in 190 months until a deletion instantly of 190 years, herein all are to get to repentant altars, said cataclysms like men tug of nuclear wars has no respect to person, awake, Apb, The RAM, see here http://escapingones2017.blogspot.com/2017/07/our-military-must-be-focused-on.html

Friday, July 28, 2017

Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen!

Prophecy Link -Seen to seeing great beast 1996-2016, tearing and chopping at pulpits/pews, peace getting porches and prosperity, beware, be very aware, Apb -They're All Coming, see here, https://youtu.be/h_HffjBYeyQ or read here, http://legendsofthefallapb17.blogspot.com/2017/07/american-11-oclock-shopping-lunch-hour.html -Prophecy Links -Seem to seeing bits, pieces and particles of red, white and blue, inundating and scorching the heavens into the universe, America, Britain and Canada commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces indeed, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, beware, Apb, see also http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/06/repent-into-rapture-httpswww.html http://donothatemarriage15.blogspot.com/2017/07/when-pharaohs-curse-backfires-and-all.html Get Southeast into Complete Exodus, Before The Worse That Happen, Happen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5hTsSP9BjY and www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com -Sadly, but the direct death toll mention here of 28 million is more indicative of the out break of mortuary I witnessed these 31 springs concerning first of all a Yellowstone type eruption. Especially if this eruption act as a domino effect toward all fault lines teetering on the edge right now. As so twenty million on US soil or more is that forewarn of another prophet, I'm not saying there are not others. Bill Gates place a death by an outbreak just as a pale horse judgment 2001-2017, is pending at 30 million but if I'm not mistaking he's talking the world over. -Let's just say, the more Americans to westerns show themselves as right this moment waiting America's Trump instead of God's. Just this slow motion exodus the Holy Spirit portrayed of them, indefinitely this procrastination will decide just how sizable the toll on lives this master disaster to extinction level event will cause. Given many dreams, visions, visitations to heaven and heaven visiting me, I then have many reasons to suspect not only Incalculable evacuations. Though as the days of Moses an unforeseen exodus of all US to the Western territories, of a silence in heaven, a sunlight moving from behind a mountain God's throne which spoke, "let my people go." -Just as so explaining why it was when Holy Spirit as testified of the prophet Ezekiel's 8th chapter, how he was carried about by a lock of his hair this fly over the country. Doing an alike adventure of my own, Holy Spirits bringing me into a fly over America such began by showing me how cataclysmic events where affecting the entire country which began at the Whitehouse that was in tremendous flames. As so was there obvious damage to the Kennedy Space center, so hesitating to tell you, as is being warn this video, what am I saying? - I am saying, by the time I am brought into seeing this consuming inferno moving in from the West, all three corners, there is no Eastwest, Midwest, nor Southwest to speak of. Awfully, until like the Prophet Ezekiel though I've known the answer since visitations from heaven into to the death rider vision 1996, my question should've been, "will you, Holy Lord, destroy the entirety of America at this time? Only to make things worse, though I witnessed the west this fiery mess into the White house being consumed in tremendous flames. I just as soon heard it announce by a radio broadcast that the entire Eastern seaboard was as well gone, so millions of other lives lay in the aching question, whether to exodus? Surely, this is why I tell all evacuees to get as far southeast as possible and once there, prepare for a complete Exodus.​ Awake, repent, escape, in this order, Apb, The RAM, see here, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com -
